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Kirby return to dreamland codes.

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1Kirby return to dreamland codes. Empty Kirby return to dreamland codes. 10/20/2012, 4:05 am


Newb Level Helper

Anybody else play this game? Im playing the ntsc versions of this using just One Bully Code (Infinte star power) and it keeps freezing. I might be able to play one stage then freez between loading stages. I have the metafortress file and have tried with and without it and code seems to work either way. But still freezes the game. I even tried the level unlockers they all work too. Just need to fix the freezing situation.
As far as the metafortress I have it saved in a folder named gameconfig.txt with a file named SUKE01.gct.txt on my sd card. Maybe this aint right if the same effect is happening with or without.



The metafortress gameconfig.txt patch fixes the freezing. It is placed in the root of the SD Card.

Kirby return to dreamland codes. YBjg74I


Moderator & Coder
Moderator & Coder

mamalickabooboobaday wrote:
As far as the metafortress I have it saved in a folder named gameconfig.txt with a file named SUKE01.gct.txt on my sd card. Maybe this aint right if the same effect is happening with or without.

I have not actually played this game but As far as I know, the file should be at the root of the SD card. SD:\gameconfig.txt

There is one gameconfig.txt for all games. I don't think you are supposed to rename it. It reads the games name from the first lines of the file. I believe you can add all other patches inside this file.

I could be wrong but this is my opinion from what I have read.

Lol Bully edited his post while I was writing this.

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You can add more patches for other games to the file, right.

Kirby return to dreamland codes. YBjg74I


Newb Level Helper

Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:You can add more patches for other games to the file, right.
I've almost given up on this. I Saved this file to the root of my sd card and nothin changes. This I how I did it 1. click on start 2. click on computer 3. drag and drop file named gameconfig.txt into drive I: (where my sd card is). 4. check to see if file is in there, confirmed it's location and that it not in a folder. And still the same problem. So where is my noobdum screwing me over this time???


Newb Level Helper

Welohabi wrote:
mamalickabooboobaday wrote:
As far as the metafortress I have it saved in a folder named gameconfig.txt with a file named SUKE01.gct.txt on my sd card. Maybe this aint right if the same effect is happening with or without.

I have not actually played this game but As far as I know, the file should be at the root of the SD card. SD:\gameconfig.txt

There is one gameconfig.txt for all games. I don't think you are supposed to rename it. It reads the games name from the first lines of the file. I believe you can add all other patches inside this file. There is config.dat file and a config folder on my sd card but no pre-existing gameconfig file or folder is there.

I could be wrong but this is my opinion from what I have read.

Lol Bully edited his post while I was writing this.



-_- The first time I tried to apply the patches it immediately worked.

gameconfig.txt in the root of the sd card. Its content is the exact copy of the page provided...

Kirby return to dreamland codes. YBjg74I


Newb Level Helper

Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:-_- The first time I tried to apply the patches it immediately worked.

gameconfig.txt in the root of the sd card. Its content is the exact copy of the page provided...
Arrgghh!! Why does it seem like I make simple things harder. There must be another file counter-acting it on there or something. noob

There is one folder named config with another folder inside for "images" and a file named "key_config.xml". then on the root of the card there is another file named "config.dat"
The config.dat is a ultra edit document. Are these the ones I should be concerned with? Question


Moderator & Coder
Moderator & Coder

I'm not too positive what you could be doing wrong. If you saved the file correctly then you should not be having a problem. No other files should conflict with it.

What are you using to load the Kirby game? This could be your issue.

Also... This is a shot in the dark, but this could be what your doing wrong. If you named the file gameconfig.txt yourself then it is possible that you the made the mistake of adding the file extension ".txt" when it was already recongnized as a text file. That means the game is reading the file title as "gameconfig.txt.txt"

Right click on the gameconfig file and click "properties". It will show the name of the text file followed by the type of file. If the type is already ".txt" then the name should just be "gameconfig"

Kirby return to dreamland codes. Exutm

Please help me earn some extra Dropbox & MediaFire space. https://db.tt/2H7prurb2d www.mediafire.com/?renl53g

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Newb Level Helper

Welohabi wrote:I'm not too positive what you could be doing wrong. If you saved the file correctly then you should not be having a problem. No other files should conflict with it.

What are you using to load the Kirby game? This could be your issue.

Also... This is a shot in the dark, but this could be what your doing wrong. If you named the file gameconfig.txt yourself then it is possible that you the made the mistake of adding the file extension ".txt" when it was already recongnized as a text file. That means the game is reading the file title as "gameconfig.txt.txt" I try that and see if it named properly you could be on to something. Shocked

Right click on the gameconfig file and click "properties". It will show the name of the text file followed by the type of file. If the type is already ".txt" then the name should just be "gameconfig"

Kirby return to dreamland codes. Exutm


Moderator & Coder
Moderator & Coder

Why did you quote me without saying anything?

Please help me earn some extra Dropbox & MediaFire space. https://db.tt/2H7prurb2d www.mediafire.com/?renl53g

The energy you give, you shall receive.



He probably means that it was exactly that...

Kirby return to dreamland codes. YBjg74I

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