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Tutorial For Making Batch Files (Windows)

5 posters

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Hi this is a tutorial for making batch files (.bat) if you dont know what a batch file is then you can go on google.

Step 1:
Open a text editor for example notepad not word or something with autocorrect etc.

Step 2:
Type the code of the batch file if you dont know any dos then again you can go on google and search up "msdos commands" and put one command on one line then on the next line put the next command to be executed for   example:
@echo off
del C:\Users\User\Documents\TextFile.txt
del C:\Users\User\Documents\TextFile2.txt

Step 3:
When you are done typing the code then save the file as a .bat for example in notepad go file, save as, then in the title of the file put the name of the file then ".bat" (no space in between title and .bat for example: BatchFile.bat)

Now you should have successfully created a batch file now you can execute it.

Be carefull dos can damage your computer: always know what a command does before you use it.



There was really no need for a tutorial on how to make batch files. It's commands are so simple and so basic, even 7 year old cousin could make something quite useful in a batch file. Besides there are plenty of tutorials that teach you how to this kind of nooby stuff on You Tube lol!    ulol



This is the easy programming.



This kinda programming is beyond easy. It's easy in any language. For example, C# (my main language).

or folder/directory.

you run that, you're screwed. It's to easy in every language.



Coldfire202 wrote:This kinda programming is beyond easy. It's easy in any language. For example, C# (my main language).

or folder/directory.

you run that, you're screwed. It's to easy in every language.
Interesting my main language is Lua, and I am starting to get the hang of python.



[LKWP]FALADOR wrote:Interesting my main language is Lua, and I am starting to get the hang of python.
I've never worked with Lua, and I just skipped over python.



[LKWP]FALADOR wrote:There was really no need for a tutorial on how to make batch files. It's commands are so simple and so basic, even 7 year old cousin could make something quite useful in a batch file. Besides there are plenty of tutorials that teach you how to this kind of nooby stuff on You Tube lol! ulol

Read more: http://www.bullywiihacks.com/t2783-tutorial-for-making-batch-files-windows#ixzz2m3wiEjxt
I know this is easy stuff I never said it was hard its really easy this is just for some n00b wanting to make .bat files



I've already learned Lua, Python, and Java. I am now working on Perl Smile


Trusted Member
Trusted Member

My fish can do this not very hard



[LKWP]FALADOR wrote:Interesting my main language is Lua, and I am starting to get the hang of python.

Read more: http://www.bullywiihacks.com/t2783-tutorial-for-making-batch-files-windows#ixzz2miZbQqQ8
Im getting in to python.



Already know it now lol

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