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Infinite Item Modifier

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1Infinite Item Modifier Empty Infinite Item Modifier 8/15/2013, 7:18 am



I have the infinite item hack set up as so:

Infinite Item Hack -NTSCU- [Bully@Wiiplaza]:

so that I start off with lightning and it works perfectly.

However, when I try and use the infinite item modifier set up so that it is controlled by various buttons on the gamecube controller in port 1 (activator being r, others are either up, down, or left) to cycle through designated items it doesn't work.  So I know I messed the code up somewhere.  Further, I read that bully said that this will work fine with a second player as well.  I imagine I would just copy the 6 lines that designate item changes with the exception of changing 3E80 to 3E8C.  Is that correct?  Would the +1 then make it 3E8C --> 3E8D -- > 3E8E?  Thanks in advance, you guys have collected a great bunch of useful information on this forum.

Infinite Item Modifier -NTSCU- [Bully@Wiiplaza]:

2Infinite Item Modifier Empty Re: Infinite Item Modifier 8/15/2013, 7:44 am



Seen this?

3Infinite Item Modifier Empty Re: Infinite Item Modifier 8/15/2013, 8:37 am



Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:Seen this?
I had not, but that's a neat tool. However, it still isn't working for me. Currently my two codes are as follows:

Infinite Item Modifier *2P Online P1* -NTSCU- V1 [Bully@Wiiplaza]:

Infinite Item Modifier *2P Online P2* -NTSCU- V1 [Bully@Wiiplaza]:

Nothing happens with the code. Pressing r changes nothing and none of the d-pad buttons do what they're meant to.

I know I'm fucking up something obvious but I can't see it for the life of me. I'm sure you see this same problem all the time so thanks for not getting too annoyed at seeing it again.

4Infinite Item Modifier Empty Re: Infinite Item Modifier 8/15/2013, 8:41 am



Why did you count up by 1 every button activator?
You just messed up by editing that. It did NOT say you need to change it.

5Infinite Item Modifier Empty Re: Infinite Item Modifier 8/15/2013, 9:08 am



Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:Why did you count up by 1 every button activator?
You just messed up by editing that. It did NOT say you need to change it.
You're right it definitely didn't, just too used to doing it. Stupid mistake on my part. Codes now look like this but are still not working.

Infinite Item Modifier *1P and 2P Online P2* -NTSCU- V1 [Bully@Wiiplaza]:

No item appears unless I run through an item box i.e. it functions as it would normally. This is the same if they are run just those two (which is how I believe they're supposed to be run) but to be sure I also ran them in conjunction with the regular infinite item hack and I had infinite lightning but could not turn it off or change the items (I don't think they're supposed to be run with it anyway so that's to be expected). I don't think I selected any wrong options. It must be something I did when changing values for button activators but going by this guide I think I'm doing it right. Ugh, any ideas?

6Infinite Item Modifier Empty Re: Infinite Item Modifier 8/15/2013, 10:04 am



Bad button activator mask.

You should've known how button activators work.

7Infinite Item Modifier Empty Re: Infinite Item Modifier 8/15/2013, 1:12 pm



Im just laughing at this guy who doesn't know how button activators work. He's thinking that FFFF is what YYYY= but in order to get YYYY you must put in your hex/programming calculator FFFF-ZZZZ

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