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trouble with wii flow

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1trouble with wii flow  Empty trouble with wii flow 10/26/2013, 5:30 am



hey guys i recently got a 4gb usb flash drive and i have a black ops wbfs on it but the wii flow wont read it so is there another program or something i need to do or use? also i tried both fat32 and ntfs

2trouble with wii flow  Empty Re: trouble with wii flow 10/26/2013, 7:50 am


Trusted Member
Trusted Member

What brand is your flash drive.

3trouble with wii flow  Empty Re: trouble with wii flow 10/26/2013, 8:21 am



TheDetonator wrote:What brand is your flash drive.
san disk i think i cant check atm

4trouble with wii flow  Empty Re: trouble with wii flow 10/26/2013, 10:41 am


Modder & Code Porter

Did u do this


Before installing WiiFlow your Wii must be soft-modded and have d2x installed in slot 249 with base 56 and slot 250 with base 57. If it's not soft-modded then follow the guide here to soft-mod your Wii then install the proper cIOS.

Download d2x-v10-beta52 for slot 249 and d2x-v10-beta53alt for slot 250 (note d2x-v8-final still works fine as well). Note they are zip files that need the extension to be renamed to .7z because they are actually 7-zip files.

Follow the guide here to use either Modmii or the official d2x-cios-installer to install them.

Tip: d2x-v10-beta52 has higher compatibility for nand emulation and online stuff and less random crashes during gameplay that’s why it’s in slot 249
while d2x-v10-beta53 has 2 usb ports support and fully plug&play usb devices, meaning that you can connect them when the game asks for them.

WIIU USERS - You will need d2x-v10-beta52-vwii and d2x-v10-beta53-alt-vwii and use d2x-cios-installer-mod v2.2 by Fix94 to install them.

Installing WiiFlow:

Now that you have your Wii soft-modded and d2x installed you need to download the latest official WiiFlow here - http://code.google.com/p/wiiflow/downloads/list

Note: mods/WIP/beta releases can be found here in Abz's pack or you can compile them yourself following the tutorial on the menu on the left or go to IRC and ask.

Extract it to your SD card or USB HDD. It should automatically put WiiFlow boot.dol, icon.png, and meta.xml in the /apps/wiiflow folder.

Also be sure to put your Wii game backups in the usb:/wbfs folder using Wii Backup Manager or a similar program. Or if you don't have any backups yet you can make backups with WiiFlow. More on that later.

Now use Wad Manager 1.7 or another wad manager app to install a WiiFlow forwarder channel to launch WiiFlow from the System Menu.
Note: You will need IOS 58 installed to use these v14b forwarders. Use ModMii to download and install IOS 58. Or you can use IOS 58 Installer provided your Wii has WiFi.

WIIU USERS - use wiiflow channel installer v1.1 to install the default forwarder.

Launching WiiFlow the first time:

Start WiiFlow with your new WiiFlow forwarder channel. WiiFlow will create the necessary folders and config files and then display your Wii backup games. If you don't have any games in your 'wbfs' folder or there is no folder then WiiFlow will display the following message -

"Welcome to WiiFlow. I have not found any games. Click Install to install games, or Select partition to select your partition type.".

If you know you have a 'wbfs' folder with games in it but it's not on the first partition of your USB HDD then follow the second choice to choose the partition your games are on. Otherwise insert a Wii game disc and select the first option to install it.

Adding Covers:

Now you should have at least one game case showing (maybe multiple of times) but it's blank. We need to cover it. Move your pointer to the bottom of the screen and some icons should appear. Choose the one that looks like some gears. This is the config icon and it will take you to the config global settings menu. Click on the first option which should be Download Covers. This takes you to a new menu with more options. The only two we need to worry about now are the first two - Download All or Download Missing. The other options will be explained later. To Download all covers click 'All'. Later on if you install some more games you can just choose 'Missing'. When it's done click on 'BACK' to return to the main screen. Of Course if your Wii isn't connected to the Internet then this won't work for you. You will have to download the covers on your PC and transfer them to the appropriate WiiFlow covers folder. You can use Wii Backup Manager with your USB HDD connected to your PC to download the covers for you.

Launching a game:

This should have you set up to play Wii games from your USB HDD. Browse through your games with your wiimote and press 'A' while pointing at the game you want to play. And then click on the 'PLAY' button to launch the game.

trouble with wii flow  Cod-gh10
trouble with wii flow  Coollo10

5trouble with wii flow  Empty Re: trouble with wii flow 10/26/2013, 2:31 pm


Trusted Member
Trusted Member

These are the flash drives you can use: http://wiki.gbatemp.net/wiki/USB_Devices_Compatibility_List

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