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MKWii: Ghost Item Project

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1MKWii: Ghost Item Project Empty MKWii: Ghost Item Project 11/16/2013, 9:28 am



The following is quite unfinished and may not work perfectly all the time. I left it in a better understandable format in case someone wishes to work on it...

These codes depend on each other a lot, they are NOT meant for individual usage besides "Disable Original Item Effect".

And no, I won't port this to other regions <_<

To simply make it work, run ALL codes below AT ONCE.

with value 0E (Thunder Cloud).

Get Source & Destination Pointer -PAL- [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C27BC9C8 00000015
81830004 2C0C000E
40820098 3D808167
39600001 916C4684
812C4678 810C467C
38E00000 7C074000
4182006C 816C4680
1D490248 7D6B5214
814B008C 2C0A0014
41820014 2C0A000A
4182000C 2C0A000E
4082001C 39290001
7C094000 40810008
39200000 38E70001
4BFFFFBC 906C4688
916C468C 39600001
916C4690 3D808055
618CD5A8 3D603800
616B0001 916C0000
48000014 39600001
916C4698 48000008
90830004 00000000

Backup Item Pointer & Store Max Players -PAL- [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C2798F0C 00000005
3D808167 816C467C
7C0BE800 41810008
93AC467C 8003008C
2C1D0000 40820008
906C4680 00000000

Player Slot Randomizer -PAL- [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C0000000 00000005
3D808167 816C467C
814C4678 7C0A5800
4080000C 394A0001
48000008 39400000
914C4678 4E800020
*Chooses a random "victim" from all racers*

Invisibility Time & Steal Item -PAL- [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C0000000 00000013
3D808167 816C4690
2C0B0001 40820088
816C4694 396B0001
916C4694 2C0B0025
41800074 816C4698
2C0B0001 40820020
39600000 916C4698
816C4688 39400014
914B0004 39400000
914B0008 39600000
916C4690 916C4694
816C468C 818C4688
814B008C 914C0004
39400014 914B008C
814B0090 914C0008
39400000 914B0090
3D808055 618CD5A8
3D608805 616B0020
916C0000 4E800020
*Change the last 4 digits of 2C0B0025 to increase / decrease ghost delay*
*Credits to Hamster35000vr for "Invisible Racing"*

My chaotic assembly source code for people interested in developing it further:

MKWii: Ghost Item Project YBjg74I

2MKWii: Ghost Item Project Empty Re: MKWii: Ghost Item Project 11/17/2013, 1:09 pm


Code Creator

Wow those are some serious effects! Surprised i unfortunately do not have the brains to find destination pointers xD

All the "Official" coders hate me. That's what keeps me coding! Cool 

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