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MW3 Wii: Infinite Specialist Bonus

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1MW3 Wii: Infinite Specialist Bonus Empty MW3 Wii: Infinite Specialist Bonus 11/17/2013, 12:53 am



Please help me out with testing and clarifying the effects of this code!

Infinite Specialist Bonus [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C0000000 00000006
3D40808A 3D808000
818C2880 1D6C2D80
7D4A5A14 3980FFFF
918A20E8 918A2110
918A44D0 918A44D4
4E800020 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*Credits to Seth@WiiPlaza for Blind Eye (?)*

Proven to work:
- Fast equipment usage, increased rate of fire, fast reloads, silent footsteps, assassin suit, infinite sprint, faster climbing, reduced explosives damage
- Speed, breath, melee, stability, impact & kick proficiency
- Extended mags attachment
- Second chance Black Ops style & martyrdom
- Juggernaut icon on mini map

Proven not to work:
Reduced streak requirements, ammo bags, extra mags, reduced explosives damage, damage proficiency (?), no fall damage

Not targeted by air support, faster launcher lock-on, enemy tagging, identifying enemies at a distance, delaying explosives, detecting enemy explosives, louder enemy footsteps

Perks or proficiencies not working may be used by default to gain their effects.

Last edited by Bully@WiiPlaza on 11/18/2013, 11:29 pm; edited 2 times in total

MW3 Wii: Infinite Specialist Bonus YBjg74I


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MW3 Wii: Infinite Specialist Bonus YBjg74I



i tasted it for a bit conformed effects:

infinite run - i ran for like 2min nonstop across the map

martyrdom - works

last stand - was same as second chance from black ops which means i pulled out the pistol and died after short time

climbing obstacles faster- works (its hard to tell but i'm 80% certain

blast shield - works (threw frag walked really close to it and didnt die)



Did you also make sure you didn't run these perks by default?

Thank you for your report!

MW3 Wii: Infinite Specialist Bonus YBjg74I



ya i also turned perks off (private match) just to be sure and the juggernaut smybol on mini-map works i saw it when my host hacks merged to someone on my party sadly i didnt get a chance to check the blind eye/recon/sitrep effects

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