Okay so I have gone crazy about wanting to get this code creator status so I found a couple of dvars. I would like you to help me see if these appear right. So anyways I have found these two dvars that edit your pointer size for all around hunter [SFSPGT Dump_80]
Here they are
Pointer size modifier in hunt mode [LKWP-FALADOR]
E0000000 80000000
*Default Value "42480000"
*Very abstract needs confirmation.
*Credits to upcoming help from Bully
Pointer size modifier in fishing mode [LKWP-FALADOR]
E0000000 80008000
*Default value "42A00000"
*Very abstract needs confirmation.
*Credits to upcoming help from Bully
Okay So I need your help on making sure the default values and dvars are right. In front of the hunt is byte written 50 and in front of fish is written 80. The bytes after those are leading to other dvars, but anyways. I am not sure if what I did was correct. I was hoping you would check the work and then tell me what I did wrong and then tell me what I need to do for next time. Thanks bully.
Here they are
Pointer size modifier in hunt mode [LKWP-FALADOR]
E0000000 80000000
*Default Value "42480000"
*Very abstract needs confirmation.
*Credits to upcoming help from Bully
Pointer size modifier in fishing mode [LKWP-FALADOR]
E0000000 80008000
*Default value "42A00000"
*Very abstract needs confirmation.
*Credits to upcoming help from Bully
Okay So I need your help on making sure the default values and dvars are right. In front of the hunt is byte written 50 and in front of fish is written 80. The bytes after those are leading to other dvars, but anyways. I am not sure if what I did was correct. I was hoping you would check the work and then tell me what I did wrong and then tell me what I need to do for next time. Thanks bully.
Last edited by [LKWP]FALADOR on 11/30/2013, 7:33 am; edited 2 times in total