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WiFiPhisher - Wireless Network DoS and Information Stealer

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Admin & Writer

Wifiphisher is a security tool that mounts fast automated phishing attacks against WiFi networks in order to obtain secret passphrases and other credentials. It is a social engineering attack that unlike other methods it does not include any brute forcing. It is an easy way for obtaining credentials from captive portals and third party login pages or WPA/WPA2 secret passphrases.

WiFiPhisher - Wireless Network DoS and Information Stealer 68747410

Wifiphisher works only on Kali Linux!


From the victim's perspective, the attack makes use in three phases:

Victim is being deauthenticated from her access point. Wifiphisher continuously jams all of the target access point's wifi devices within range by sending deauth packets to the client from the access point, to the access point from the client, and to the broadcast address as well.

Victim joins a rogue access point. Wifiphisher sniffs the area and copies the target access point's settings. It then creates a rogue wireless access point that is modeled on the target. It also sets up a NAT/DHCP server and forwards the right ports. Consequently, because of the jamming, clients will start connecting to the rogue access point. After this phase, the victim is MiTMed.

Victim is being served a realistic router config-looking page. wifiphisher employs a minimal web server that responds to HTTP & HTTPS requests. As soon as the victim requests a page from the Internet, wifiphisher will respond with a realistic fake page that asks for credentials, for example one that asks WPA password confirmation due to a router firmware upgrade.


Uber Website Hacker and Mod

This right here I think is shit, once you have kali linux you can launch attacks and be on someone else's wifi in 5 min or less.


Admin & Writer

Did you read what I posted?! This is for Kali Linux!


Uber Website Hacker and Mod

Just cowpatty and aircrack, Get it done in 5 mins or less.

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