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Website Mirroring/Backup

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1Website Mirroring/Backup Empty Website Mirroring/Backup 2/4/2015, 10:33 pm



In order to download an entire website, we'll be using the program HTTrack to backup BullyWiiHacks.

First, download the correct installer for your system and install HTTrack.

Open it up and hit "continue".

Website Mirroring/Backup Httrac10

For the project name enter "BullyWiiHacks" and also the path you want everything to be stored to. In my case that is
Hit "Continue" once again.

Website Mirroring/Backup Httrac11

In the "Web Addresses" field enter the url you want to download, e.g.
Hit "Continue".

Website Mirroring/Backup Httrac12

As "Remote Connect" choose "Do not connect to a provider (already connected)" and hit "Finish".

Website Mirroring/Backup Httrac14

It will start downloading the website. Depending on the size of it and the content it might take a while.

Website Mirroring/Backup Httrac16

Once done or canceled, the following page will show up.

Website Mirroring/Backup Httrac18

By clicking "Browse Mirrored Website" you can now browse the website offline or exit by clicking on "Finish".

Since I canceled the website copying, the upper invisible button was flashing and said "Show Error log". That's why it shows up as blank in the picture.

Also if you want to launch the website outside of the graphical interface find the front page "index.html" file and open it in your (default) browser.

My folder path:

Website Mirroring/Backup Httrac11

Enjoy Smile

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