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Custom Name

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1Custom Name Empty Custom Name 7/24/2015, 3:06 pm



For SM8E52, is there a code that makes your name have the "special" characters (ex. Red arrow, blue arrow, wiimote etc)? NOT insane name cycler just specific "special" characters

2Custom Name Empty Re: Custom Name 7/24/2015, 5:29 pm


Mod & Writer

you just use a normal name mod,

and as for the "special" icons, your gana have to use google,

i know from the top of my head that the red and blue arows are
18 and 19

Custom Name Giphy

3Custom Name Empty Re: Custom Name 7/24/2015, 7:04 pm



Ok, thanks and I converted the phrase Ima Potato to HEX... now what XD I am going to use http://www.bullywiihacks.com/t399-

Custom Name Kxo486wjhvw21kazg

4Custom Name Empty Re: Custom Name 7/25/2015, 12:22 am



It has been posted already once again but I'll link it in the code post as well so check it out there.

Custom Name YBjg74I

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