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[SOLVED]Question about servers?

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1[SOLVED]Question about servers? Empty [SOLVED]Question about servers? 8/11/2015, 4:29 pm



I moved on to the Playstation 3 and 4 and I saw my Wii one day and decieded to hook it up and play MW3(FOR THE MEMORIES Very Happy ) When I stopped playing it, I completely reset it because I was going to sell it(For like $3), but I kept it for possible later use. I installed Homebrew and Gecko OS on it again and got a few codes(Level 80, Weapon Lvl 31, etc.) and it said unable to connect. So I remembered that Nintendo was going to shut down the servers and I did research and they were down. But i looked at forum and Bully said Cod Servers were still up. So to get back on Cod should i just use an unban code or are they down? Or should i download the Server Emulator? I just want to play some MW3.

Sorry If i sound like a Noob, i have just been cut off from this stuff for 2 years. I used to be good at this shit.



You can download Wiimmfi patcher here  (Homebrew app), http://chadsoft.co.uk/downloads/autowiimmfipatcher0.3.zip

Then launch the disk using the wiimmfi launcher.

You can the statistics here: http://wiimmfi.de/stat

Hope it works, You can see which games are compatable with so have fun.



Oh MW3 and Black osp servers are online but WAW and Modern warefare reflex is offline, You can use wiimmfi for lots of games but check the site to see if the game is supported though



So, just use unban code to get back on the mw3 server?



Yes you could use Unban code and a never get banned code



I tried a mac bypass and a full 20102 bypass code and still get get on, Any suggestions?



On MW3 Activision managed to patch alot of codes but on Black ops they failed. Try googling a modern code.



I had this in my code list on my sd card for while you can try this one

Universal MAC Spoofer [mdmwii] REGION FREE
F6000001 8001808F
7F83E378 38A00006
D2000004 00000002
38A00002 98A40005
38A00006 00000000
E0000000 80008000

mdmwii made this code a while ago but you can try it.


Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker

WRONG!!! MWR servers are still up just not many people play me and shitnbitch@BWH played a lot together.



I have used your code you suggested and the one i found and i cant use any codes with it because i need to always have the unban code with my code list. i have tried to use many codes with it and they dont work. any suggestions


Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker

I've been banned so many times but I always come back strong. There is a MAC spoofer on the site run that and try it. If it do t work ill give you one.



So I used the region free mac spoofer by mdmwii and it got me on the game like the last 2 i used but the codes still dont work. I played one legit game to test the codes and i kept playing and when i got off and then tried to get back on without the unban code it doesnt let me, and when i try with it all my stats are reset. What should i do? The first time using the unban code, it told me to go to the wii store and download something which i did and then MW3 updated and i could play(I ran it threw homebrew both times). I dont really know what to do. The codes are a level 80, weapon lvl 80, 15 custom classes, all challenges complete, and all titles complete, and they are all from this site. all made by Bully.



^^Wanted to provide background info


Code Creator

Well I'm just now coming back to Wii to just have fun and I use that code he suggested to get online but if you don't have it every time you log on then you automatically lose all your classes, stats, levels, etc. Other than that I've never had problems.



xBoMb3r wrote:Well I'm just now coming back to Wii to just have fun and I use that code he suggested to get online but if you don't have it every time you log on then you automatically lose all your classes, stats, levels, etc. Other than that I've never had problems.
The Mdmwii code i said i used?


Code Creator

BabyCarl0s wrote:The Mdmwii code i said i used?




There are patches you have to install in order to play MW3 online. Once you did turn on your regular code and you can play just fine. The unban codes only work when you get the 20102 error code so don't use them.

[SOLVED]Question about servers? YBjg74I



Sorry, but when I say Unban, I am talking about Mdmwii Region Free Mac Spoofer, which works fine, and I installed the patches, then i got some profile mods from your website, like lvl 80, weapon lvl 31, etc. and none worked, maybe they were patched? Then when i tried to use the codes i use normally, i got a code dump which means one of the codes doesnt work with another i think, i dont know, i would just take one off and hope for the best.



Could the code dump be because I am using Master Code V2.0 and the text to name? I wouldn't think that would affect it?


Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker

I run through MMM and then launch gecko os when I get dumps. And when I do it works fine (multi mod something I forget) but yea. I know about this stuff cuz I get banned all the time make sure your running that code at all times.



XxModZxX@BWH wrote:I run through MMM and then launch gecko os when I get dumps. And when I do it works fine (multi mod something I forget) but yea. I know about this stuff cuz I get banned all the time make sure your running that code at all times.

MMM, is this a app on Homebrew or a program on a Computer and any way you can remember the whole name? It would be extremely useful.


Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker

I will look at my stuff later. And I won't be on for a while I have to get a new wii but i will get back on topic. But ill get the app of my SD card so ill get it later.



Alright so I got an app called Multi-Mod Manager 13.4. What should I do to get past the code dump? I took a look through it and it was very interesting and had a lot of stuff I could do, but throughout my inspection couldn't find shit I could do with my codes other than look in the file on my SD card. Honestly I find Playstation Hacking/Modding a lot easier.


Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker

Something about apps then u click on gecko and loads then u just run that and boom



Thanks it worked. I have a question though about this code.
No Clip  (Credit to bully)
282028F0 00008000
C0000000 00000005
3D40808A 614A4660
3D808000 818C2880
1D6C2D80 7D4A5A14
39800001 998A0003
4E800020 00000000
CC000000 00000000
C0000000 00000005
3D40808A 614A4660
3D808000 818C2880
1D6C2D80 7D4A5A14
39800000 998A0003
4E800020 00000000
E0000000 80008000

I want the activator to be CCP Home and if i remember correctly I have it set up right but i could activate it but not deactivate it.
A little off topic but I'm sorry

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