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DarkAnonySkid at its brain-dead finest

3 posters

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He's finally back once again and reached new levels of brain-dead retardation. Just check out the big comments thread on one of his YouTube videos here. I kept arguing with this idiot and finally he shuts up since he and his brain-dead claims got devastated.

I guess that there's not much more to say other than...

Enjoy xD

Reading his comments may cause brain cell loss, so be warned Wink



LMAO DarkTaco cant spell XD, he spelt business wrong XD


Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker

Welcome back Dark Skiddy!

Why can't they all talk at the same time xD. There all the same person he likes to talk shit with his "Codes" xD. What proof does he have to prove he's a coder? None! He just code steals and shit. 

If Deluxe Wolf knew him:



Classic, lol



Nah we were only talking, he chats 100% shit saying hes got my IP, LMAO he was usings show hosts IP (Because he was joining me)

and Modz i would not join those dumb asses.


Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker

Me: Hey bully! 
Bully: What? 
Me: Want to help me make my dox.jar
DarkAnon: No! You skid you can't code for shit I made that already you faggots 
Me: Fuck off you skid xD

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