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5.000 Members

4 posters

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1Happy 5.000 Members 11/19/2015, 2:56 am



So we finally accomplished 5.000 members on this site, awesome. Very Happy

The last 1.000 was slow since the site got inactive but we still did it. Thanks to everyone for supporting the site that well, nobody is forced to make an account in order to leech. Twisted Evil


5.000 Members YBjg74I

2Happy Re: 5.000 Members 11/19/2015, 7:19 pm


Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker

I remember how active this site was. And how n00by I was but I mean I improved I was a Skid to a mod and code porters. Now I can finally look back and say fuck my old self xD

3Happy Re: 5.000 Members 11/24/2015, 4:36 pm


Mod & Writer

i wounder how many of them are troll accounts or spam accounts?

5.000 Members Giphy

4Happy Re: 5.000 Members 11/25/2015, 7:20 pm


Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker

Modder~Kid MoDz wrote:i wounder how many of them are troll accounts or spam accounts?
I can name one my old one xD and bully can you del my old account plz I don't want to see that again

5Happy Re: 5.000 Members 11/25/2015, 7:36 pm


Mod & Writer


the main thing that i notice is, this sight gets about 4-5 accounts every week.  then the users asks a question or what ever, and never uses there account again.

5.000 Members Giphy

6Happy Re: 5.000 Members 11/27/2015, 8:42 am


Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker

Modder~Kid MoDz wrote:@modz

the main thing that i notice is, this sight gets about 4-5 accounts every week.  then the users asks a question or what ever, and never uses there account again.
Then when they do its the stupidest question ever xD or they get on and steal codes and put them on CL xD

7Happy Re: 5.000 Members 11/27/2015, 9:51 am



XxModZxX@BWH wrote:
Then when they do its the stupidest question ever xD or they get on and steal codes and put them on CL xD
Best summary of the Nintendo Wii Call of Duty modding/hacking community Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes

5.000 Members YBjg74I

8Happy Re: 5.000 Members 11/30/2015, 10:34 am


Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker

Thanks xD I mean were not the dark clan here. Fuck CL more like CS xD

9Happy Re: 5.000 Members 12/8/2015, 11:10 am




10Happy Re: 5.000 Members 12/8/2015, 1:42 pm


Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker

smither001 wrote:thanks...
Sir can you read xD this is no place for a noob xD. Idk what your saying thanks for

11Happy Re: 5.000 Members 12/9/2015, 7:11 am



I don't like deleting accounts since that cuts down the website's member's counter and makes the forum become worse when the affected member's posts are now by guests.

5.000 Members YBjg74I

12Happy Re: 5.000 Members 12/9/2015, 9:38 am


Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker

Well bann it for a pc g ass time let me do it xD and I only have 3 posts and that I can delete ill ban it myself

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