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How you know CL hates us

4 posters

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1How you know CL hates us Empty How you know CL hates us 12/18/2015, 2:09 pm


Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker

I was going what I do best laughing at brain dead skids thinking they know what they are talking about. So I wanted to fuck with them on there so I tryed to make a account and this is what I got 
Makes me laugh so much fuck these brain dead skids
How you know CL hates us Screen10

2How you know CL hates us Empty Re: How you know CL hates us 12/19/2015, 12:30 pm


Mod & Writer

Same Thing happened to me when i try to log in

3How you know CL hates us Empty Re: How you know CL hates us 12/20/2015, 1:48 am



Hopefully FagStealers is finally dead or something Smile

4How you know CL hates us Empty Re: How you know CL hates us 12/20/2015, 4:03 am


Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker

They banned my IP and every other person that is in BWH someone run a VPN and then try to log in xD

5How you know CL hates us Empty Re: How you know CL hates us 12/20/2015, 9:48 am



Well i don't really see the existance of codeleakers anymore, the leakers have been wiped out! Also i think they banned Shadows aswell so don't be too supprised. If i was banned now on codeleakers i wouldnt give a shit about codeleakers....

6How you know CL hates us Empty Re: How you know CL hates us 12/20/2015, 10:53 am


Mod & Writer

just used a vpn and still cant login / make a account.

7How you know CL hates us Empty Re: How you know CL hates us 12/20/2015, 11:11 am


Admin & Writer

I guess they discontinued new member registrations then, just like what http://wiird.l0nk.org did a while back.


I just checked the latest posts.

How you know CL hates us Screen10

The latest post(s) were 10 days ago. And before that, it looked very active. I think what Bully said is right; FagStealers is prolly dead! Twisted Evil

8How you know CL hates us Empty Re: How you know CL hates us 12/20/2015, 12:01 pm



How is the last post date like 2 months ago when there is like 165 MEMBERS!!! Online??? OMG they must be using bots? or something, if there was 165 members online there would be tons of posts!

9How you know CL hates us Empty Re: How you know CL hates us 12/20/2015, 12:18 pm


Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker

Thank god if they did get fucked over. Maybe Dark skids got banned and then they hacked it I forgot "they" can't even hack a pillow

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