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Happy New Years!!

4 posters

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1Happy New Years!! Empty Happy New Years!! 1/1/2016, 3:59 am


Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker

2015 Was a great year we all accomplished something. Me getting mod Dexture Wolf learns how to port. You guys are a family to me. It was a Great year. I will be shooting the top posts this year and maybe be promoted. What's your new years resilooion

2Happy New Years!! Empty Re: Happy New Years!! 1/1/2016, 5:51 am


Admin & Writer

The best part of my year is going to a teen community program during the whole summer, meeting this one girl and a couple months later, she wanted to go out with me and we're now in a relationship. The only problem with her though is that... she's not all there, if you know what I mean. Neutral

My year was alright. The main highlight of my year, besides the one above is getting past one year of probation. Only two more to go! When I get off probation on 9/18/2017, I'm going to get so fucking hammered and the best part about it is that no one will be able to do shit all about it. xD I just want to get past 2016 and onto 2017, get off probation and then move out with my friend and girlfriend and just start my life all over again. One thing I will do when I get off is smoke some more Salvia without having a retarded piece of shit of a friend call the cops on me and fuck up 30 years of my fucking life!

Anyways, enough of that bullshit! Have a happy new years, everybody!

3Happy New Years!! Empty Re: Happy New Years!! 1/5/2016, 2:00 pm


Trusted Member
Trusted Member

My highlight of 2015 was the day I became a sea turtle. Yes, I am a sea turtle.

Happy New Years!! E6267880681d263df6499f39ce1d1229

4Happy New Years!! Empty Re: Happy New Years!! 1/6/2016, 12:51 pm


Mod & Writer

this year i may be getting a job at a grocery store soon, so having a income will be nice

Last edited by XxModZxX@BWH on 1/6/2016, 2:36 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Spelling ;))

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