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Totally Spontaneous :D

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1Troll Totally Spontaneous :D 7/2/2016, 6:31 pm

I Am The Aki

I Am The Aki

So It's 2 am my time at the moment, and I'm playing some hacked zombies Kudos to Bully for some fine and dandy(did I really just say dandy wtf how old am i getting Troll ) codes.

And I started wondering what everybody's favorite codes or simple code Wink to run on Zombies would be.

Cant wait to see the responses rap yay devil

2Troll Re: Totally Spontaneous :D 7/2/2016, 6:57 pm


Admin & Writer

It was 1:30 AM my time when you posted that. I like the non-host God Mode, makes n00bs think "WTF?!" xD My favourite kinds of codes are visual codes, especially colour cyclers or something like symbols in name.

3Troll Re: Totally Spontaneous :D 7/2/2016, 7:32 pm

I Am The Aki

I Am The Aki

shitnbitch@BWH wrote:It was 1:30 AM my time when you posted that. I like the non-host God Mode, makes n00bs think "WTF?!"  xD  My favourite kinds of codes are visual codes, especially colour cyclers or something like symbols in name.
I've fallen in love with zombies bullet tracers I havn't tried much else and I've actually yet to use one for zombies Very Happy By chance Pm a link to the color cycler and you favorite visual? or is it here idk havn't seen it Razz maybe I'm not looking hard enough
Twisted Evil

4Troll Re: Totally Spontaneous :D 7/3/2016, 1:41 am


Admin & Writer

I tried porting the rainbow name cycler to Zombies, but Zombies doesn't have the two Dvars required. So, I tried making something else cycle rainbows, but it kept pointing the address to the 0x80800000 range. I was hoping to get into 0x81400000+ or some shit. Not only that, but there is no way to make the code from standard Dvar code making. Neutral

If you want to see something cool, try out Seth's 'Alien Player Models' code I ported. Wink

5Troll Re: Totally Spontaneous :D 7/3/2016, 2:12 am

I Am The Aki

I Am The Aki

shitnbitch@BWH wrote:I tried porting the rainbow name cycler to Zombies, but Zombies doesn't have the two Dvars required. So, I tried making something else cycle rainbows, but it kept pointing the address to the 0x80800000 range. I was hoping to get into 0x81400000+ or some shit. Not only that, but there is no way to make the code from standard Dvar code making.  Neutral

If you want to see something cool, try out Seth's 'Alien Player Models' code I ported.  Wink
Aww man that sucks but will do I'm going to hop back on and give some people some fun Very Happy Inf. clip, rapid fire, ammo swap-er, speed hack, inf. grenades. Twisted Evil Twisted Evil I love watching them kill themselves then do it again over and over Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

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