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Can't Access The Codes or RAM Dumps Section? Read This!

6 posters

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Admin & Writer

In order to get codes or dumps, you must make the following:

10 posts: Unlocks the Gecko Codes section.

25 posts: Unlocks everything else (Other Cheat Codes and RAM dumps)

These can either be comments on a post, or a post itself, either or will count.

This does not exclude other members already having met these requirements. So, if you are an old member who has more than 5 / 25 posts, you will still need to make more posts. This starts on your next post.

Members with the Coder status are exempt from this change, mainly because they were the ones who contributed to the codes and RAM dumps on this site.

Spam and useless posting will NOT count! You MUST contribute posts / comments that are meaningful and useful to the forum, otherwise, you will not be considered to receive access.

Last edited by SnB@BWH on 6/17/2021, 3:32 pm; edited 3 times in total



Done. But cant pm u i did that like a month ago nothing

natedogwooof likes this post


Mod & Writer

SeeDank1011 wrote:Done. But cant pm u i did that like a month ago nothing

Did you actually donate? if so how much and what paypal / crypto address did you use.

natedogwooof likes this post



I did it like a month ago, i'm not going to argue


Admin & Writer

You never PM'd us, nor have I gotten an email from PayPal saying I have been sent money... nor have I seen a transaction in any of my wallets. It was clearly stated to PM me and to make a deal. And no, you did not send payment a month ago. You are only exaggerating; you created your account 2 weeks ago, not one month ago.

No one on this site has ever had a problem sending PM's, except for some code stealing waste of oxygen, named RAPTOR_CODBO, who used that as an excuse to get codes. I feel you are doing the same.

MK was NOT arguing with you, he was only clearly helping you with your problem, which is of no one's fault but your own, because of your lack of common sense. If you don't want to "argue" as you would idiotically call it, then go fuck yourself. I have given the codes to people who have paid... who sent me a PM to setup a deal, which I would give them more of a benefit to the purchase than what was originally stated, because I am considerate and nice.

If you can't settle a simple problem with us that you are having, why waste your time asking in the first place, just to basically tell us to go fuck ourselves? Rolling Eyes

6Information donacion 5/26/2018, 1:20 am



cuanto tendria que donar para codes multijugador mw3.


Admin & Writer

Puedes pagar 5 $ por toda la sección.

8Information Wii U Bo2 aimbot 6/13/2020, 9:02 am



I would like to purchase any mods that include aimbot. I play Black Ops 2 on the Wii U. Can we make that happen today?


Admin & Writer


Private message Bully for Wii U mods. If you would like codes for Wii, you can either pay, or contribute to the forum by making 10 posts for one codes section, or 25 posts for everything, including RAM dumps.


Admin & Writer

Updated the original post.


Admin & Writer

Updated again, with mentioning about spam and useless posting.



I would like the spectator code for MW3 if it's possible

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