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[RPBE01] Pokemon Battle Revolution - What to Do With Controller Address?

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First of all, thanks to coders for creating so many great codes.
Well, I'm new on gecko stuff, and I'm having a problem. Looking at forums and internet, don't find anything conclusive. :\

geckocodes . org/?c=RPBE01#universal

Regionfree Button Activator [Bully(at)Wiiplaza]
28001502 YYYYZZZZ

I tried some hints, but nothing worked (US version). Tried to Plus/Minus (00101000), but not worked.

Storage Pokemon: Item Roller [Bully(at)Wiiplaza]
C23DE718 00000009
A3FC0002 3D80YYYY
A18CYYYY 2C0C1000
40820018 3BFFFFFF
2C1F0000 40820008
3BE00139 B3FC0002
2C0C0010 40820018
3BFF0001 2C1F0139
40810008 3BE00000
B3FC0002 00000000
**YYYY = Controller Address*
**Press minus to get down the item list*
**Press plus to get up the item list*

Can you guys please give me hand there? :3

And the file host "jafile" seems dead, so I cant download the txt. Someone have another txt or a backup? Thanks again.

Sorry for asking too much.


Admin & Writer

You most likely didn't put the proper controller address.

00001502 or 80001502 should do the trick, from looking at the Region Free Button Activator by Bully. I'll leave it up to you to put it in the code. Hint: It goes in the place holders (anything that is not Hexadecimal.)

Storage Pokemon: Item Roller [Bully(at)Wiiplaza]
C23DE718 00000009
A3FC0002 3D80YYYY
A18CYYYY 2C0C1000
40820018 3BFFFFFF
2C1F0000 40820008
3BE00139 B3FC0002
2C0C0010 40820018
3BFF0001 2C1F0139
40810008 3BE00000
B3FC0002 00000000
**YYYY = Controller Address*
**Press minus to get down the item list*
**Press plus to get up the item list*

Values marked in red are the button values. No need to add them to where the controller address is supposed to be, as it declares that that is only for the controller address. Do what I said above and see if it works. If not, Bully can help you out, as he was the one who made the code. Wink

[RPBE01] Pokemon Battle Revolution - What to Do With Controller Address? Simple10

[RPBE01] Pokemon Battle Revolution - What to Do With Controller Address? LSTjSyDDiscord: SnB_BWH

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Did the trick, thank you SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! <3
I was looking for info, and saw the input numbers at the code b4.
Well, the item roller is too fast. =x

Item Roller [Bully(at)Wiiplaza]
C23DE718 00000009
A3FC0002 3D808000
A18C1502 2C0C1000
40820018 3BFFFFFF
2C1F0000 40820008
3BE00139 B3FC0002
2C0C0010 40820018
3BFF0001 2C1F0139
40810008 3BE00000
B3FC0002 00000000

One more thing, do you happen to have the ""jafile" upload?
Well, thank you SOOO much!


Admin & Writer

No problem, dear. Smile I love you

I tried Googling for the values, but nothing came up. Sorry. Neutral Maybe Bully still has them....

[RPBE01] Pokemon Battle Revolution - What to Do With Controller Address? Simple10

[RPBE01] Pokemon Battle Revolution - What to Do With Controller Address? LSTjSyDDiscord: SnB_BWH

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