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Cheat Engine Without Adware or Bullshit

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Admin & Writer

I was pissed off to see that the latest version of Cheat Engine (6.8.3) was riddled with fucking adware and redirection links on the official page. Sure, GitHub has a direct link for downloading, but the installer was riddled with, 'Would you like to install this Anti-Virus, computer clean (fuck)up utilities, etc. "Well, why not just click 'No'?" You might ask. Shitty thing is, there was no option to just say NO.

So, in my opinion, DarkByte can go fuck himself, regardless if he wants to make an incentive. That's one thing. Amazing program, but put ads on your site, not through fucking up people's computers! Asshole!

Anyways, I went through a quick and easy way of using a VirtualBox... so I won't fuck up my computer, and ended up installing, and copying over the files to my shared host folder. Funny thing is, in VirtualBox, I had the option to click 'No'. Yeah.... Rolling Eyes

So, for all of you who got fucked, or don't want to get fucked, here is a direct link, hosted on OneDrive to Cheat Engine v6.8.3. Also, guess what? It's portable! Wink FUCK. YOU. DARKBYTE.

Click Here

Next release, I will be doing the same. Smile



Actually, you can untick "I accept" on the optional offers. They seem to differ depending on the PC/IP etc. and it's quite common among free software. Most users should be well aware of these adware offers though. It's not that hard to deal with. I don't fuck up my computer when I install those kind of tools because they can always be avoided as far as I noticed. Smile


Admin & Writer

It must just be the computer or installer or something interfering with it. The scrollbar was visible but not intact. I couldn't scroll down to be able to uncheck it. But yes, that is very true. Should take notice to such things when installing programs.

However, they should otherwise be unticked by default. I'm just the kind of person who doesn't give a shit for installing extra things I don't need. I already have an anti-virus, why would I need another? If I installed another, the programs would "fight" with each other. But if you are going to install a program, you should have full awareness that what you downloaded is what you are installing, no extra stuff, you know.

I'm thinking it could possibly be the way I have my Win OS customized. Like I said, I used VirtualBox with MicroXP (pretty neat, <100MB minimal Win XP OS, runs on 64 MB of RAM), and was able to opt out. Meh, who knows.

I see what you mean though.

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