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Sublime Text - Simple and Easy-to-Use Development Environment

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Sublime Text - Simple and Easy-to-Use Development Environment Screen24

Sublime Text is a development environment, supporting many different languages, the most popular being Python. As it is easy to use and setup, and has many useful features, many beginners for such languages as Python, choose Sublime Text as their development environment.

Also, if programming in Python, be sure to check out THIS tutorial that makes programming in Python with Sublime Text much easier and less tedious.



Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker

In my opinion Visual Studio Code is better then Sublime. I used Sublime for HTML didn’t really like it but with Visual Studio it has all of the stuff you need and it can be used for all kinds of different stuff.


Admin & Writer

Each one to his own. Smile I've only ever used it for Python, so maybe it's better for some languages than others.



XxModZxX@WiiPlaza wrote:In my opinion Visual Studio Code is better then Sublime. I used Sublime for HTML didn’t really like it but with Visual Studio it has all of the stuff you need and it can be used for all kinds of different stuff.
I agree tbh, Visual Studio code is perfect for lighter programming like HTML, PHP etc. With the option of extensions it just makes it better.



PyCharm is my favorite for Python programming though Smile


Admin & Writer


I downloaded PyCharm and was going to give it a shot, but then I also downloaded Sublime Text. I used Sublime Text first, and quickly figured everything out. I liked it, and then never bothered to use PyCharm, even though I still have the installer file, lol

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