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[Update] 2/10/21

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1[Update] 2/10/21 Empty [Update] 2/10/21 2/9/2021, 9:30 pm


Admin & Coder
Admin & Coder

Whats up everyone,

Hope you all are well, considering the times. I'm not sure if most of you all know this, but, for the years since the Wii Hacking scene has ended my life has been absolute insanity. Also the fact that I am from the USA, which is a disaster currently.

To change the subject to a lighter note, I definitely plan on getting back into the Nintendo hacking scene. Since the Wii Hacking scene has ended I do indeed miss the WP community, as well as Python aspect of compiling hacks with the USB Gecko.

Now fluent in multiple programming languages, I am focused on hacking iOS Devices as well as offline PC Games. The only online PC game I play is Warzone. All of my YouTube accounts have been banned but I am still making new channels & content

Here is my latest video:

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2[Update] 2/10/21 Empty Re: [Update] 2/10/21 2/11/2021, 9:19 am



Damn, great to hear from you again, Seth Smile
Recently I checked your profile on here and it said "last online in 2016", 5 years ago. Apparently you heard me and came back Cool

Has your life really been worse? I considered moving to the US because California was so cool when I visited in 2019 but I failed due to too steep visa requirements. Neutral  Since 2020 my life has been kind of awful and boring with work, corona and not enough fun in some hobbies either. Mad
At least I made tons of money afro

Are you still enjoying to hack games? I do as well actually, but to a lesser degree since I feel too childish still dealing with all the retards and kids these days lol. How come your AstroSeth channel got banned as well?  No

You should also sign up for Discord, it's what most gamers use nowadays to talk. My Discord is BullyWiiPlaza#3947.

Seth@WiiPlaza likes this post

3[Update] 2/10/21 Empty Re: [Update] 2/10/21 2/12/2021, 2:09 pm


Admin & Coder
Admin & Coder

solid. Im gonna download discord and add you my dude. yea i recently had the time with COVID to get back into hacking. My last YouTube got banned for the same reason HomerSETH9 got banned, big corporations crying about their product being exploited Cool

And yea absolutely California was awesome before COVID-19 now it is in SERIOUS bad shape. I have friends who live out there who are still in quarantine. But yea bro its tragic, search YouTube to see videos of the OCEANS of homeless tents in downtown LA. It is very bad.

But yes unfortunately I was doing alot very well before COVID-19, before COVID I was heavy into partying/clubbing as well as working in the entertainment industry, now none of that is happening.

4[Update] 2/10/21 Empty Re: [Update] 2/10/21 2/12/2021, 5:07 pm


Admin & Writer


Hey, man, awesome to hear from you again! It's been a really long time. Sorry to hear your life has been a bit of a drab. Hope you're making the best of it though. Smile Mine hasn't been totally 100% positive, but I'm doing great the past while. I'm on here pretty well 98% of every day of the year, lol Pretty boring when I don't have anything else to do but be on here everyday, but it's the community of people and what we have created that keeps me coming back, I suppose.

I've been watching and listening to the news about the States... It's... Yeah, lol Would really suck to be visiting, and especially, living in the States these days. Glad to be living where I'm living, and in the house / area I am living in too. Surrounded by good people and a very peaceful area.

That's awesome to hear that you're wanting to get back into the Nintendo scene. Myself, I've been making a bunch of NES Game Genie codes. I can understand the bare basics of 6502 assembly, and that's all that's really needed for making NES codes. Should defintely try it out sometime. Codes on Gamehacking.org are still being made on an almost-daily basis for the NES. It's pretty cool how even just one instruction write can do some pretty cool things.

I've been wanting to get the new THEC64, which is a Commodore 64 computer that runs on an emulated Raspberry Pi running VICE sorta thing. I would love to experience using it. Currently, only the Mini version is available in North America, but the full-sized version, which is what I want, which has a considerable amount of upgrades and features that the mini version doesn't have, is only available in Europe.

It would probably be my new computer go-to kinda thing for fucking around with stuff. I prefer the nostalgia of older computers rather than the complicated technology of the newer computers, mostly for fucking around with stuff, creating hacks, etc. I know it wouldn't be much beneficial to anybody, but at least I could be proud of something I create... If it's worthwhile, having created it.

Anyways, man, glad to hear from you again. Smile

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