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[Code Request] Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon (R7FEGD)

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Game: Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon
Region: NTSC-U (R7FEGD)
Platform/Emulator: Wii/Dolphin Emulator
Code Format: Gecko

1) Cross1955's codes for the JP version (R7FJGD) + notes:  Here

2) JP code list: Here

3) US code list:  Here

4) lindtec's codes made for the US version: Here

Hello!  I was hoping someone could help me figure out how to make a gecko code that adds a map collar to item slot 1 in the US version of this game.

Cross1955 found out how to do collar modifier + how to find the item ID? in JP version  But, despite all my effort in reading the guides for asm, powerpc, and assembly (posted by vega for the mariokart wii game) I have no idea how to go about making what I want to happen in the US version of this game.

I'm stumped trying to figure out offsets and pointers, and what the gibberish I'm looking at any given time is, not to mention I couldn't find any guides whenever I had questions.  Suffice it  say, I'm super frustrated and confused.

According to Cross1955, this is the collar mod for the JP version:
Cross1955 wrote:

Cross1955 wrote:XXXXXXXX = Item status ID (00000000 - 00000200)
YYYYYYYY = Flag (00000001 = Equip / FFFFFFFF = Nothing)

But plugging in whatever I see in the memory doesn't work, because the values for what's equipped, and all these different flags, and pointer(s?) keep changing all over the place. (and I have no idea what the addresses I find are actually doing, even when I try to parse the asm instructions)

and for slot 1 info they said this:
Cross1955 wrote:

Item 01:

Cross1955 wrote:XXXXXXXX = Item status ID jump offset

ID = Offset = Jump Offset
0062 = 80F9320C = 80B36070

but I have no idea what the US equivalent to this is (and it's not even the correct item ID, I don't think), and I had no idea how to find an item that had ID 0062 in the JP version. They also a listed a bunch of various pointer values, but I had no idea what to plug in there either, or even what to do after I did.

I also found a code by lindtec that has a saddle that gets placed in item slot 1, and I was like, well hey, maybe I can try to use their code to make a map collar be in slot 1...? but saddles have completely different flags and a ton of modifiers since they can have 7 seals equipped whereas collars don't and also have separate equip flags, so I just ended up confusing myself even more. (that and I think the 3 equipment slots might not even count as slot 1???  and whenever I did find something that seemed to be the cursor value of slot 1, it always showed as a zero and not a 1, further confusing me)

Their saddle code:

lindtec wrote:
[Ultimate Saddle]
14F8F2B8 00000057
14F8F2D4 00000002
14F8F2D8 00000001
14F8F2DC 00000002
14F8F2E0 0000000B
14F8F2E4 00000002
14F8F2E8 00000010
14F8F2EC 00000002
14F8F2F0 00000011
14F8F2F4 00000002
14F8F2F8 00000013
14F8F2FC 00000002
14F8F300 0000001C
14F8F304 00000002
14F8F308 0000002E

lindtec wrote:Note: This will change the item in your first item-slot to Omega Saddle with 7 good Seals.


when looking at the memory via dolphin memory engine, this is what showed in the JP version for that address that cross 1955 posted:

Map collar Unequipped:
80B35830 00000000

Map collar Equipped:
80B35830 00000001
80B35834 0000003B

and in the us version:

Map collar Unequipped:
80B35830 00000000

Map collar Equipped:
80B35830 00000001
80B35834 0000018F

After days of struggling to figure this out I'm ready to give up. I'm so lost.
Can someone help me make a code for having a map collar in slot 1, please?


Admin & Writer

Sorry, it's late and I'm very tired (awake since 3AM), but do you have the code in the NTSC-J region that you are requesting? It might be possible to port it. if you don't know how, I can walk you through it or I can do it myself, provided I have the MEM80 dumps for both regions; up to you. Smile

It's very easy to do, but isn't always 100% guaranteed, unless for Nintendo-made games (Mario Bros., Mario Kart, etc.). I found it even possible to port from one CoD game to another, not just the region. So, it depends on the game, code, etc.

I hope you can figure this shit out eventually. It can be frustrating, for sure, but don't stress out about it too much. Ain't no such thing but a chicken wing. Wink



No worries at all and Thank you so much for replying! I hope you can get lots of rest soon!

And unfortunately not, I don't think. I haven't found any code for any of the regions that actually adds a map collar to slot 1. The closest I've seen was the the NTSC-U code that adds a saddle with a bunch of modded seals, since it actually effects slot 1, unlike the JP collar code.

Honestly, I have no idea what to do.
Thank you for the kind words.

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