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Your contributions will be greatly appreciated though, give it a shot and register today! thumbsup

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Welcome dear guest! Very Happy

To start posting and being part of the BWH community, you simply need to register an account or log into an existing one.

If you do not wish to register at all, that's fine but there will be more advertisements. :/

You can probably see and download most content provided for regular members even without an account.

Your contributions will be greatly appreciated though, give it a shot and register today! thumbsup
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[INFORMATION] Google Adsense Advertisements

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Hello guys,
if you happen to see ad banners that say "AdChoices" in the right upper corner and you´re interested in the content, feel free to click on them. It gives me money.

In case you don´t want to see any ads, use firefox with ad block plus. Google Chrome can do that aswell, just not Internet Explorer!

However, if the ads don´t bother you much, keep them.

This thread is for information purpoises only.
Bully [INFORMATION] Google Adsense Advertisements 1848667513

Last edited by Bully@WiiPlaza on 9/1/2012, 1:15 pm; edited 1 time in total



You mean on anywhere? Like another website if it saids Adchoices on it?



No, only on this website. It will lead you to somewhere else if you click on it (giving me some money). No spamming clicks onto the ads or clicking on purpoise, though. It´s not allowed.

Last edited by Bully@WiiPlaza on 9/1/2012, 1:12 pm; edited 1 time in total


Moderator & Coder
Moderator & Coder

What you have said here is very close to breaking Adsense's TOS. Be careful when even suggesting that a user click on your ads. As they are very quick to ban you for something like that.



Welohabi wrote:What you have said here is very close to breaking Adsense's TOS. Be careful when even suggesting that a user click on your ads. As they are very quick to ban you for something like that.
I know their TOS and that´s why I´ve put it the way it won´t break it...


Moderator & Coder
Moderator & Coder

I apologize. I was just trying to help.



Welohabi wrote:I apologize. I was just trying to help.
Seeing you making me aware of something is more positive than silently knowing it and waiting for the person to get banned.

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