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Dropped Out of College to Pursue Web Dev and Life Pursuits in General

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Last month, I enrolled in a college program called Academic Career Employment (ACE program), and it just became too damn stressful. I wanted to get into web development and programming in general.

I've never been able to write meaningful programs, so I figure I would start working on web development to possibly and hopefully make some passive income with some Chome extensions, like. There are always going to be problems or easier ways to do things when it comes to the web, computers, like, so there are only possibilities and open niches when it comes to computer technology.

So, a week ago, I searched on Google for web development courses that were interactive. I stumbled upon Codecademy (heard of before), so I decided to give it a shot with their "Learn JavaScript" course. After a week, I'm already halfway through it, and have not only learned but have reinforced everything I have learned compared to other methods.

I have been contemplating on buying the "Plus" subscription once i have completed all free web dev courses.

Besides having dropped out of college, I have began doing things on my own terms, bettering myself in life through numerous means of doing so, and to be honest... I am glad I dropped out of college; I would rather learn what I want whenever the fuck I want without any hassle(s) or requirements put upon myself - I just go about doing my own thing.

And besides that, I've never believed in college my entire life, or any form of schooling, for that matter. Fuck it! Like I said: I'll just do my own thing.


Very Happy

My Milestones:

August 19 2024:

Passed both first out of five 2-part exams with 100%!

Last edited by SnB@BWH on 8/19/2024, 3:26 pm; edited 4 times in total



Sounds good, man. College kind of sucks, do they also charge so much in Canadia like in the USA? Now after college I can tell that most things you learn there are still useless, you might as well just learn at your own pace and not be fed so much garbage like from college. Programming is a great profession, you'll always be relevant at making good money at least. You don't need a college degree to start programming anywhere luckily.


Admin & Writer

Sorry for such the long wait for a reply, bro. I'm not too sure about that, but I know that for courses, just certain topics within a broader field, it will cost around 400$ CAD, and a program (the full amount of courses with diploma) could cost around 20,000-40,000$ CAD!

You also have to pay taxes, textbooks, transportation to and from your co-op, etc. I don't get why Canada hasn't done what the Brits have done - make college and university free. That way the unemployment rate would be much lower and there would be much beter jobs for people, because things that are free sell a lot better than those that cost.

The college in my original town (living in a different town now, life predicament, explain another time)
didn't even offer anything I wanted other than the basics (which I took for free) to get a job.

College does suck, bro, lol

And that's very true on the programming. A few nights ago, I had spent the 60$ CAD on the Codecademy Pro monthly, and I decided to take Front-End Engineer. I'm already 10% done, but I took a couple JavaScript and HTML courses already as well, so that accounted for about 7% of the 10%.

I have begun grasping the concept and syntax, etc., of programming. Months and years ago, I didn't understand a damn thing about it. It's worth paying for it, because I find it really has you grasp it and also get out of "Tutorial Hell" a bit with applying what you've learned with projects.

In the section for Coders, I will be posting some programming ideas I have and have tested minorly with chatGPT. One of them could really change how we use certain things, but it only worked to a certain extent. When I have more time, I will write the concept and post it.

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