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Add me on Mario Kart Wii!

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1Add me on Mario Kart Wii!  Empty Add me on Mario Kart Wii! 12/22/2012, 2:26 am



Hello! i just started hacking and i really want some friends and my friend code is Like a Star @ heaven 1249-7748-0201 Like a Star @ heaven

Please add me and give your friend code in the comments! Smile But a few simple rules.
1. No FTW's
2. Pro's or hackers allowed
3. No imposters

P.S. I need a code before december The perfect time freeze and the invinciable code. If i can't get it its fine. I don't really know lots about coding...

2Add me on Mario Kart Wii!  Empty Re: Add me on Mario Kart Wii! 12/22/2012, 2:46 am


Admin & Writer

Time Freeze At 0:00:000 (NTSC-US Wiimote+Nunchuck) [mdmwii]
28341462 00000010
04531130 60000000
E0000000 00000000
28341462 00001000
04531130 38030001
E0000000 80008000

NOTE: (+) to activate (-) to deactivate

The most amount of time that you'll get with this code is 17 milliseconds, but it's better than nothing. Actually if you think about it it isn't actually better than nothing since you want to get a lower time. I would add you, but I only hack and I need to redownload the game again and get a USB stick that has more memory than my two 8 GB USB sticks, maybe a 64 GB one will do, but they cost alot of money, though. I'll probably buy one for Christmas and redownload the game and play with you then.

3Add me on Mario Kart Wii!  Empty Re: Add me on Mario Kart Wii! 12/22/2012, 3:01 am


Admin & Writer

That's why I didn't give him the code for invincibility because I wanted him to do at least half of the work by searching for the code he wants by himself, but I guess it's alright sometimes to help someone out who needs a code.

@Adam725 Just remember that you have to search for some of the codes yourself sometimes and that people won't always give you codes if you keep asking for them to give you the codes when they're right under your nose. I'm just reminding you, I'm not trying to be rude or anything. I hope you understand.

4Add me on Mario Kart Wii!  Empty Re: Add me on Mario Kart Wii! 12/22/2012, 3:23 am



Omg THANK YOU ALL YOU ROCK EVERYBODY including Bully and Seth!!!

Now thank you so much! You are the greatest! Thats the only codes i need. If you have MKW please add me at 1249-7748-0201

Like a Star @ heaven Also I been scearching the internet for the code for 30mins but i can't find the code. Also I been wanting the code for 2 years!

5Add me on Mario Kart Wii!  Empty Re: Add me on Mario Kart Wii! 12/22/2012, 3:54 am



You do know that this isn´t the perfect time freeze?

I´m not giving it out and haven´t. I know how it ends:
Everyone goes crazy with posting the code as pastebin and whatnot, also FTW hacking.

Also, we don´t do the search work for lazy n00bs when it´s on the forum and obvious where aswell.

6Add me on Mario Kart Wii!  Empty To Bully@WiiPlaza 12/22/2012, 4:21 am



Well i know its not the perfect freeze time. I already tested it and it didn't go perfect

Im not a FTW i started hacking and i been searching the codes for 1 hour. I checked every MKW hacking website and still can't find it. Theres no codes that i been looking for on any forum. Don't call me a lazy n00b. Theres no reason to say that if i constantly try finding it every day. Im Sorry...

Also I meant the code when you cannot see me. Im not being rude. Just sayin. Wink

I know its wrong Crying or Very sad

7Add me on Mario Kart Wii!  Empty Re: Add me on Mario Kart Wii! 12/22/2012, 4:35 am



Adam725 wrote:Im not a FTW i started hacking and i been searching the codes for 1 hour. I checked every MKW hacking website and still can't find it. Theres no codes that i been looking for on any forum. Don't call me a lazy n00b. Theres no reason to say that if i constantly try finding it every day. Im Sorry...
That´s also why you didn´t find the invincibility code?
Some codes are secret and not released to the public, so yeah. Wink

You seem to only be after the rare ones. How can you not like any of the public ones? That´s impossible... Shocked

8Add me on Mario Kart Wii!  Empty lulz 12/22/2012, 5:25 am



Well i have alot of public hacks including. I like them
* Drop items
* Item hack
* Vr/Br hack
* No countdown
* 3 star hack
And just finding more but theres not anymre i like. I know theres a stalker hack, Speed hack and other stuff but i don't really like them as much. I do like some public codes though.
Im after the rare ones for more effect of my hacking. I try to get codes because im not a coder and i started hacking Razz

Yeah. Think it would be nice. Still trying to find the code

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