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Backup Everything and Prepare For The Next Scene!

3 posters

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Admin & Writer

With the recent release of the Wii U exploit, there's absolutely no fucking doubt that not only Nintendo, but YouTube is getting really pissed at us hackers! They deleted some of Bully's videos and disabled some of his YouTube features, RapidShit is playing some bullshit and something really big is going to happen really soon! I don't know what it is, but I have a feeling that this site is going to get shutdown!  Shocked


We need to not necessarily stay underground, but just keep things quiet, if you know what I mean. All the exploit does is change something onscreen, but Nintendo won't take any chances! They will bribe YouTube to take down our videos and when they notify this forum's host, they WILL bribe them with a shit tonne of money and they WILL shut us down!

We have already lost way too much from the Wii hacking scene, we are NOT going to lose ANYTHING from the Wii U hacking scene! We will show YouTube and Nintendo who owns them!




Well, there's still the web archive.

What may happen is that my YouTube channel dies. I downloaded all of my YouTube videos using 4k Video Downloader.

This site is less likely to get taken down. Also, I'll try to download all contents from this site now to be sure. HTTrack seems to work well. Cool

We're prepared for every situation how it seems. Twisted Evil


Admin & Writer

I doubt other popular Wii hackers will backup their videos, so I'll back them up for them, just in case and have them uploaded to Firedrive.



Yeah, Seth didn't on his last channel and a bunch of sick videos died. Never trust a single hoster of your shit. Neutral


Admin & Writer

Oh, yeah, I know. I'm going to upload them, but save them on my 2 TB hard drive as well. Also, look at what I found here.

I hate to say it, but just from your description of your channel compared to the one you currently have, you sounded like a fucking n00b! xD Of course, that was 4 years ago and you were only hacking the Wii for 2, so I could understand why you sounded like a n00b. I looked back at my first few posts on this site from only 2 years ago and I can't believe how much of a n00b I was compared to now. lol



I don't like looking back a few years, it's always quite embarrassing but it's not that bad on me actually.

You should've seen Seth back then, it was quite amusing on e.g. mdmwii's forum. lol!


Trusted Member
Trusted Member

We all had our moments when we sounded like a noob xD

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