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Ultimate Geckocodes Wizard Tutorial

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This is for code creators only!

What does it do?
Using this program, one can input all necessary code data and specify what the code is supposed to do and generate it.

Why is that useful?
Less experienced users or anyone basically can save a lot of time and has error checking dialogs by the program instead of reading the geckocodes codetype documentation to build together the code which may end up being faulty or the user may be unable to do so without assistance.

How do I use it?
You download and launch the application. If there are any problem with the latter, make sure to read the FAQ about Java programs.

Ultimate Geckocodes Wizard Tutorial Geckoc10

Firstly, you click on one of the buttons on the graphical interface to open up an input dialog for the code data. In this example, I'll take the "Direct & Serial RAM Writes..." button.

Ultimate Geckocodes Wizard Tutorial Direct10

Here you need to specify at least the address, value size and value to write.

Remember that the address has to be compatible with the value size in terms of divisibility. Also, the value itself may not be longer than the value size allows.

Only if you choose to write 4 bits you'll need to select whether to write to the left or right byte. If this confuses you, don't worry! You most likely never need this anyways. Usually 8, 16 or 32 bits are sufficient.

What about the additional writes?
This is the amount of times the same value will be written to the memory again after the initial address you specified above. It's useful for unlocker codes and such.

Once done, hit the "Generate" button. If your input passed all the filters, it will generate the code. If not, you'll have to fix all errors first. The program is very strict in what you're allowed to do which is useful in getting better codes.

Ultimate Geckocodes Wizard Tutorial Geckoc11

In order to copy the code, select it entirely and press CTRL + C. Right-clicking and choosing "Copy" from the context menu isn't supported.

That's it, have fun. Smile

Please report all bugs or post feature requests here.

Ultimate Geckocodes Wizard Tutorial YBjg74I



Thanks a lot thumbsup

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