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Super Mario Galaxy Black Screen Before Credits

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So I beat Bowser, then go through the scene thingy, then after the last one, before the credits I get a black screen instead. What's causing this and how do I fix it?



Some code, it's hard to tell even with a codelist posted. I assume it's a pointer code since they are common on Super Mario Galaxy and also buggy.
48000000 XXXXXXXX
DE000000 80008180
E0000000 80008000



Okay but what do I use for X's, Y's, adn Z's? Sorry I've never used a pointer code before.


Admin & Writer

That's just an example code. He used placeholders to show you where the data would go and what a pointer code would look like.



None of my codes have that. On other forums, it says to change the sound settings to null sound?



Dwaynecool03 wrote:None of my codes have that. On other forums, it says to change the sound settings to null sound?
What the heck? Neutral

The sound settings don't have to do with freezing the game at all. I didn't freeze myself even though I didn't touch the sound settings.



I know. But I googled it and it said that was the problem. A bunch of people tried it and said it worked. I don't think the game is frozen. It's more like it's lagging or ahead of the credits screen. Normally when it freezes I can't access the wii menu, but pressing the home button stills works as of now.






You're playing on Dolphin, it doesn't count. Since it works on a real Wii (most likely) there's nothing wrong.



Aww crap that's Dolphin. No I have actual wii. now it makes sense. But even still, just goes black screen before the credits.



I wasn't able to see any of those lines in my codes, but feel free to look.

Super Mario Galaxy

6 Health Invincibility [Bully@Wiiplaza]
042B1C2C 38000006

Inf. Starbits [Bully@Wiiplaza]
043B2564 386003E7

Inf. Coins [Bully@Wiiplaza]
04345878 386003E7

Life Mushroom Gives Max Lives [Anarion]
C2378A20 00000002
38000063 901F0020
60000000 00000000

Invincible [dcx2]
042D5328 38A0005A
042B25B0 38000022
*infinite health + no stun from enemies*

Throw Fireball When Spin Move Is Used [brkirch]
042C3EE8 38000002

Infinite Time [brkirch]
0438E65C 60000000
0434B600 60000000

Skeleton Mario (Press + to toggle) [brkirch]
C244E654 00000006
5407D801 41820024
3D008049 88E85E8D
2C070000 4182000C
38E00000 48000008
38E00001 98E85E8D
2C000000 00000000
C2450DBC 00000004
80640004 3D608062
396BD33C 7C045800
40820008 54630734
60000000 00000000
C22B61C8 00000004
3C808049 88845E8D
2C040000 4182000C
38000001 48000008
881E0A0A 00000000
C22B2C7C 00000004
3C808049 88845E8D
2C040000 4182000C
38000001 48000008
881E0A0A 00000000
C22B2C94 00000004
3C608049 88635E8D
2C030000 4182000C
38800001 48000008
889E0A0B 00000000

Mario Transformations Code v1.2.1 [brkirch]
20495E3C C00223A0
C2495E84 00000021
3E00803A 3A10EA00
7C0C8000 408200E0
3D604E80 396B0421
3E008017 9170FB14
3D808049 896C5E89
8A0C5E88 2C100001
40820008 7D705B78
2C100010 41800018
896C5E89 7E0B5838
7C105800 41820008
480000A0 3D608030
3D80806B 818C7B40
A18C03D4 2C0C0000
4182001C 3D808049
8A0C5E8C 561007B6
9A0C5E8C 396B4704
48000068 2C100002
40820008 396B477C
2C100004 40820008
396B4794 2C100008
40820008 396B47AC
2C100010 40820008
396B4764 2C100020
40820008 396B4734
2C100040 40820008
396B471C 2C100080
40820008 396B474C
2C100002 41800014
2C100080 4181000C
7D6903A6 48000014
3D808049 8A0C5E8C
561007B6 9A0C5E8C
4E800420 00000000
C244E650 00000043
80030004 3D008049
2C000100 40820040
88E85E8A 98E85E8B
88E85E88 1CE70002
2C070080 40810018
88E85E8C 54E7F801
38E00002 41820008
38E00001 98E85E88
2C070010 41800008
98E85E8A 2C000200
408200A8 3CE08062
80E7D340 54E7B801
41820054 88E85E8B
98E85E8A 88E85E8C
89085E88 54E7F801
38E00002 41820008
38E00001 7C074000
3D008049 98E85E88
40820068 88E85E8C
54E8F001 3D008049
60E70002 41820008
54E707FA 98E85E8C
48000048 88E85E8C
54E8D801 4182003C
3D00806B 81087B40
2C080000 4182002C
54E8F001 41800008
60E70004 60E70008
3D008049 98E85E8C
3CE04832 38E76371
3D008017 90E8FB14
3D008049 88E85E8C
54E70734 98E85E8C
54E8E001 3D00802B
3CE04082 41820008
3CE04800 38E700F8
90E82754 3D008049
88E85E8C 54E8E801
3D00802B 3CE04D82
38E70020 90E89A3C
3CE04082 3D00802D
38E70014 90E88E04
64E70100 90E84BFC
3D00802C 3CE0B083
38E703DC 90E84B20
3CE04813 38E75251
90E84618 38E702FC
90E8431C 38E7FB18
90E84804 38E7F9F8
90E848FC 38E705D4
90E84838 3CE04182
38E70128 90E853D8
38E7FEEC 90E84A2C
3D00802E 3CE0B01D
38E70402 90E8AFA4
4182005C 3D00802B
3CE04E80 38E70020
90E89A3C 3CE04800
3D00802D 38E70014
90E88E04 90E84BFC
3D00802C 90E84A2C
38E70114 90E853D8
3CE06000 90E84B20
90E84618 90E8431C
90E84804 90E848FC
90E84838 3D00802E
90E8AFA4 00000000
C22B5478 00000018
3F808049 889C5E88
2C040000 4082000C
38800001 989C5E88
897C5E8A 88BC5E8C
54A507B6 98BC5E8C
54A507FF 41810018
396000F0 2C040001
4082000C 38800002
989C5E88 997C5E89
3CA0802B 3C604182
38830100 90855994
3883013C 90855700
3883012C 90855710
38830090 908558A0
388300D0 90855BEC
3C806000 90855AF8
5563D801 41820008
90855994 5563D001
4182000C 90855700
90855710 5563C801
41820008 908558A0
5563C001 41820008
90855BEC 3B800000
60000000 00000000
C23CC4FC 00000005
3D608049 896B5E8C
516306FC 7C035800
4182000C 3D608049
986B5E8C 546307F4
2C030000 00000000
C23B2368 00000003
3CA08049 88855E8C
60840010 98855E8C
38800000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
How to use
Button 2 cycles through this transformation list:
1. <Currently loaded transformation> (when inside the observatory)
2. Fire Mario*
3. Flying Mario*
4. Rainbow Mario*
5. Ice Mario**
6. Bee Mario**
7. Spring Mario**
8. Boo Mario**

99 Lives [dexter0]
04F63CF0 00630000

Stay Underwater Forever [toonlink444]
043014C4 60000000

sharper turning when flying [wiiztec]
042DF0DC EFE0082A



It's known that the Mario Transformation code has issues so try disabling that.



Will do... I arppreciate your help for the stupid like me. Smile



That was it.. You fixed it. Consider this post closed.


Admin & Writer

We actually keep topics open, unless they get out-of-hand. This is so if someone else has the same problem, they don't have to keep on opening the same topic to discuss the same thing. Among other things.



shitnbitch@BWH wrote:We actually keep topics open, unless they get out-of-hand. This is so if someone else has the same problem, they don't have to keep on opening the same topic to discuss the same thing. Among other things.
Once something is definitely solved we can close it so that nobody keeps or starts spamming the topic with irrelevant things again.

I'm glad that was it Closed

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