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whats better weed or salvia

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1Question whats better weed or salvia 4/27/2015, 4:50 am

Whats weed?HAHAHA

Whats weed?HAHAHA
Program Code Creator

i want to know so i can trip to it


Admin & Writer

The only drugs that I've done are, well, Salvia and weed besides the ones that everyone uses like alcohol and caffeine. Take a look at my signature.

Quite a bit is known about weed, but not so much about Salvia. The Salvia that you want is Divinorum. So, if you go on Amazon or eBay and buy Salvia leaves, you've just wasted your money because those are herbs for cooking or for burning as incense. They won't get you high. I smoked Salvia 20x extract three times in a single day and on the third I did it with weed and I was hospitalized. This also made me delusional enough to get me arrested from the shit I was telling my friend. Anyways, it's a long story. I'm still trying to figure out if it was the mixture with weed that caused me to be psychotic or if I took too much.

Salvia is a psychotomimetic, meaning it mimics the symptoms of psychosis. And this can be very dangerous because I've heard of people not being able to come out of their psychosis. Although this is very rare, it can happen!

If you really want to do Salvia, I would recommend 20x extract because that's what I took. I wouldn't take it anymore than two times in one day or you're going to be fucked. I'm not sure if you prefer tripping alone or with someone else, but this is one of those drugs that you want someone there to keep you safe. But make sure they know what this drug can do to you. It would be better if you tripped with people are used to doing Salvia and have lots of experience and know what to do if something goes wrong. I made a mistake by tripping with brain-dead retarded so-called friends that in the end called a SWAT team on me and made up shit saying I was going to kill people and that I have guns in my house. The cops will believe anything you fucking tell them. I was tasered twice, beaten, threatened to be wasted and a whole bunch of other shit by the cops. So, please do everyone a favour and do NOT trip with retards!

Please be very careful with Salvia. It's not for the fainthearted. For me, I was paralyzed from the waist down, couldn't talk or even make noises, lost touch with reality, became delusional and a bunch of other "fun" things. When I could talk, I couldn't control what I said. When I could move my legs, I was running and crawling uncontrollably and had to be restrained and sedated. Very dangerous drug. Don't fuck with it like I did.

Check out this video of just SOME of the things Salvia can do to you.


Trusted Member
Trusted Member

Yes i remember that, you were mia for a while during that time.


Admin & Writer

Yep, I even get flashbacks now and get suicidal thoughts every now and then as well. The worst part about the flashbacks and suicidal thoughts that I get is that I have absolutely no idea what triggers them, they just pop into my head. What's bad about coming out of jail and just from that situation is mainly the intense fear of fucking up and going back to jail for two years. That's my penalty if I breach my probation. I've already breached my probation hundreds of times, mainly for alcohol, but I haven't been caught. My parents don't know that I drink alcohol and if they did, I would be in jail right now.

And the thing is is that you don't know how hard it is to want to be able to do drugs, even legal ones as you please without getting caught. I've been wanting to try Datura because of the effects it provides, but I can't do it because it's listed on my probation order, even though it's 100% legal and can be bought in gardening shops or online. I've been wanting to smoke cigarettes, but my parents won't let me. I can't just move out or do it anyways because that's disobeying my parents AND... that's on my probation order; follow the rules of the household. See, probation fucks up your life so much! I couldn't even have a beer with my stepdad on my 19th birthday. It fucking pisses me off, but I'd rather be on probation than being locked in a cell 24/7.


Code Creator

DMT hits 1000x harder.


Admin & Writer

I agree with Zodiac. If you want to have a truly vivid, exuberant hallucinogenic experience, try Dimethyltryptamine. There are different types of DMT and each one (from what I've heard) gives a different experience than the other DMTs, but they are all VERY hallucinogenic. They say that DMT only lasts for about 10-20 minutes, but when you take all these factors in, such as mental health, weight, dosage, etc, it can vary a lot. The thing that you need to know is that you don't buy it, you can but no one recommends it, you make it instead.

You can extract the DMT from many plants, like Mimosa Hostilis and Acacia Confusa root bark or Phalaris (canary grass). And the best thing about these plants is that they are legal! Possessing these plants is legal. Extracting the DMT from them is not. If you plan on taking the DMT orally, you will need an MAOI (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor, from what I've heard). If you plan on smoking it, you won't need an MAOI, you just smoke it and blast off into hyperdimensional space. lol

You should do some research on Ayahuasca as well. Wink

If you need more information about DMT or any kind of drug, just send me a PM or message me on Facebook. Smile

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