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So i modded the original xbox

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1Question So i modded the original xbox 5/20/2015, 4:22 am

Whats weed?HAHAHA

Whats weed?HAHAHA
Program Code Creator

i was working forever to mod the original xbox but i finally did it took me a while but i finally did it now i download games and shit and put it on my usb Very Happy Razz bounce cheers Basketball rap



Not bad. You can get programs to change the actual console settings. If I remember correctly there is a program do ingame coding as well. It's been about 6 years since I messed with any of it xD


Admin & Writer

Nice! You should link us or show us how you did it.

Whats weed?HAHAHA

Whats weed?HAHAHA
Program Code Creator

well i used youtube xD to learn


Mod & Writer

Whats weed?HAHAHA wrote:i was working forever to mod the original xbox but i finally did it took me a while but i finally did it now i  download games and shit and put it on my usb Very Happy Razz bounce cheers Basketball rap


Whats weed?HAHAHA

Whats weed?HAHAHA
Program Code Creator

no its the original xbox i dont think i could jtag it

Last edited by Whats weed?HAHAHA on 5/26/2015, 5:19 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : did the quote wrong xD)


Mod & Writer

Whats weed?HAHAHA wrote:
no its the original xbox i dont think i could jtag it

You still did the quote rong Razz

and yes, you are right. i dint relized that the original xbox could not be jtaged.

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