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Proof Clash Of Clans Hacks Are Fake!

4 posters

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So if your are looking for Hacks for Clash of Clans well stop. The dumb Retards on youtube make fake generators and pretend its real so they can make money from the surveys you cant even complete.
Why is it fake?

Clash of Clans is a cloud based game so you cant really edit anything.

The reason you can mod other games is because is a offline sort of game.

The clash of clans files are based on Supercells Server while on other games they have their files stored on your phone.



no @@@@ they're fake, you look at the leaderboards and you see it's not real... and also this "exe hacker thing" has been abused for many other games too. all of them being obviously fake and its usually just a C++ email account stealer, easy to make Razz



Yeah i know, They use the Phising code. Basically you type your login and password and (Your probally connected to the internet.) As soon you click generate the username and password or what ever will be sent to the creator by  email so they can login and hack you.

Thats why they say you got to be connected to the internet so they can recieve the email with your email and passwords.

This is so simple to make all you have to do is copy a little code and just change the desired emails. and use Visual Basic or Visual Studio

Antiviruses might detect it im not sure but it will detect keygens.

But with keygens some that i use actually work. (AVG 2015, Bandicam.)


Admin & Writer

@Deluxe Wolf

The thing with keygens / serials / patches and anti-viruses is that it will make you think you have the full version, but really it's smarter than you think. It tricks you and tells you you have the full version and it's protecting you, but truth is it's not. NEVER use a keygen or whatever on an AV because the AV will trick you and won't get rid of the viruses even though it says it did.



The Bandicam keygen you only need to use once than you can delete it and still have Bandicam activated i use Bandicam on my channel and it is legit. Then i use 2 tools to remove junk and adware and viruses.



Yeah thats a offline based game. If you tryed it with clash of clans that would just be a visual effect. BTW im talking about Android. I tryed Recoding the Modern Combat 4 APK, It said i had 999999 coins but when i purchased something it would'nt work because the servers say i have this amount of coins

Last edited by Deluxe Wolf on 9/1/2015, 9:02 pm; edited 1 time in total



If the game is running on the server, you can't hack it. Otherwise every website would be in severe danger if people could edit anything. xD

Also yes, those scammers are pathetic so don't trust the files, you will get viruses and your virus scanner most likely won't help you, so keep brain.exe running Rolling Eyes



Yeah, Supercells maintain the server every week or a couple of days. So if there was ever a hack for it (Never probally will) would be patched in a day. Also when people try to hack the purchases, The Google Play Inapp Billing V3 i think is compatable with the tool but if the game is connected to the server than the Hacked purchases wont work because the servers will detect if the purchase has transacted. Like Shadowgun Deadzone, Its a online game BUT you still are able to hack little features like gold VIP membership or maybe ammo



Never said they were online also again like I said learn to code. It's called DroidScript it's like a knock off of JavaScript.



Yeah, I l Use APK Editors or if i wanted to change the GUI i just Extract the APK using Winrar to look at the GUI, (Thats how Fake Flappy birds got on to the Play Store)

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