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Pokemon Black 2 On Android

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1Pokemon Black 2 On Android Empty Pokemon Black 2 On Android 9/2/2015, 12:12 am



Just test DraStic Emulator r2.4.0.1. I managed to crack the app but when i try to build the APK it would not work so i released a tutorial on my site. Onhax apk didnt work at all so i just tryed to find a crack to remove the errors and licence (It took a while but found out how to patch it.)

Here is a test video. Pokemon Black 2 with Starter Pokemon Modifier 5 Gen

The emulator runs pretty smooth at full speed and sound working full too. Perfect emulator for my phone

2Pokemon Black 2 On Android Empty Re: Pokemon Black 2 On Android 9/2/2015, 3:24 am



Are you trying to sell this? It seems like that. Also you might wanna add the amount of data on the phone effects it as well. Plus the battery life.

3Pokemon Black 2 On Android Empty Re: Pokemon Black 2 On Android 9/2/2015, 3:38 am



No its free, I just got the APK and the Licence removal tool and tried to work out how to patch it and remove the verification.

The reason i put a password on it because ik the ppl from Onhax are gonna take credit and put all sorts of pop ups in the APK.

4Pokemon Black 2 On Android Empty Re: Pokemon Black 2 On Android 9/2/2015, 11:45 am



That's cool, but an emulator won't beat the real console unless it is on an extremely powerful machine and has amazing features. Smile

5Pokemon Black 2 On Android Empty Re: Pokemon Black 2 On Android 9/2/2015, 11:48 pm



Well the emulator was only like 20MB (the app is like 5mb but the Drastic files like user data was like 15mb) And bully it is very simular the DS, You didnt have the ds menubut in the emulator settings you had ds options like name, favourite colour.

BUT!! Pokemon Black 2 rom was like 500MB+, Mario Kart was like under 25MB. This is the requirements Exophase (The creator of the emulator)  said you mainly need:

CPU: An ARMv7a processor and NEON support is preferred. This includes any Cortex-A7, Cortex-A8, Cortex-A9, Cortex-A15, Scorpion, or Krait processors. Cortex-A5 processors will work but will often be slow. ARM11, and MIPS processors are not compatible. Tegra 2 and Intel Atom are also supported, but will use a less optimized code path than the ARM/NEON version, so they're slower.
RAM: At least 256MB on the device. Ideally over 128MB free.
Display: At least 320x480 is recommended (higher is better)
OS: Android Gingerbread version 2.3.3 or higher

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