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Skype BullyWiiPlaza Imposter N00bs

4 posters

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So I just noticed (thanks to Mathew_Wi) that some n00bs made fake Skype accounts claiming to be me. This way, it becomes hard for actual people to find me and not some n00b imposter instead. Let me show you this mess Rolling Eyes

Skype BullyWiiPlaza Imposter N00bs Wiipla10

Let me make this clear. NONE of them are the real me. My Skype name is: wp_bully
Unfortunately some kid took "bullywiiplaza" but I made my account a loooong time ago when I still used [WP] Bully as my name instead so I wouldn't make a new account. WP obviously is the WiiPlaza clan Wink

It's funny how it says Italy once but I'm clearly not from Italy. Razz

At least I'm somewhat popular to have imposters Very Happy Rolling Eyes

Last edited by Bully@WiiPlaza on 9/3/2015, 10:56 pm; edited 1 time in total



Fucktards nowadays making fake accounts so they can feel popular but really they are just dumbasses


Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker

Deluxe Wolf wrote:Fucktards nowadays making fake accounts so they can feel popular but really they are just dumbasses
They just want to look cool and when we point them out they feel like dumbasses. Please use grammar next time xD nowadays is spaced just a hint Smile


Admin & Writer

Actually, ModZ, "nowadays" isn't supposed to be spaced. It might look like it's supposed to be, but it's actually a compound word. And as long as his typed words is legible, he doesn't need to use proper grammar. But let's not get off topic. Wink



Dude some idiot did that to me before -.- I'm so use to people using my pics on there Facebooks, Twitters and shit I just gave up on it all xD. There is only one person who has actually seen me and I know I can trust said person to not show anyone xD. Point being fan boys will always be fan boys.

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