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Why is there so many guests but no users online?

Whats weed?HAHAHA
6 posters

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Well this is according to my patrol time. Like theres 8 Guests. Come on guests is so simple, Use 10minutemail if you can't be bothered to login to your email...

Whats weed?HAHAHA

Whats weed?HAHAHA
Program Code Creator

well im here Smile


Admin & Writer

Well, most of the people who used to be on this site like every hour of the day a while back have their own life and prolly have jobs they have to do. They don't have time to always be on this site. I'm not on this site as much as I used to be because I have a few jobs and I always have meetings and people I have to be with almost every day. So, I think the reason being is that people have moved on and are living a proper life instead of always gaming and being on the computer all the time.

Also, if you live in EST zone and have your profile settings time set to a 24 hour clock, check the time you posted this topic. Wink xD



I've been swamped with crap here and it's hard to juggle stuff sometimes. I haven't uploaded in days with work and my gf and I going out and doing stuff it's just difficult.


Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker

I am always on I come home and check the site and before I go to bed I check it to 17:38 xD time thus was uploaded xD. But I'm the only staff that gets on but I can handle it so I'm fine.


Mod & Writer

well for me its been school and also the lack of having a need or want out of this sight. i no longer play wi, or any "hacking" realated things.



There are so many guests because they don't need to make an account to look at topics and leech. 99,9 % of all members are here just to leech though and never contribute or post anything so why forcing them to make a useless account Smile


Mod Skid Programmer, Coder & Hacker

Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:There are so many guests because they don't need to make an account to look at topics and leech. 99,9 % of all members are here just to leech though and never contribute or post anything so why forcing them to make a useless account Smile
And some are here to just steal codes xD. That's what I did back then. The old in days were fun wait no they wernt

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