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Dumbass Xbox Controller N00b

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1Dumbass Xbox Controller N00b Empty Dumbass Xbox Controller N00b 6/27/2016, 2:24 pm


Admin & Writer

In the Doom group I'm in on Facebook a BDRF had appeared on my feed. He wants to pay $115 for one controller with a builtin cheats chip or some shit and $160 one that just "looks cool". He could get a cheap console for that much, but nooooooo... he has to waste the money on a "cool" looking controller. LMFAO!

"Eh, ook ot meh ewwyboody, I gout a cooh cuntwollah for $160. Imma goh beh ah weet gamah noh." stupid2 ulol  lmao2 Slap upat



Mod & Writer

lol, this is a another Great example as to why i left console gaming. Kids willing to spend hundreds of dollars for a controller that well only work on that one console. *and pc*

The worst part is, you can Mod it your self for like 5 bucks xD. The stupidity of some people



I love it because the dumber people are the more smart I am in comparison so it won't be challenging for me to come out on top if you know what I mean. A good idea would be to produce those cool looking or modded controllers for the morons who spend 100 $ on them Wink


Admin & Writer


I was thinking the same thing. As Modder~Kid had said, you could spend $5 making them and sell them to retards; turn it into a business sort of thing. Making insane amounts of money from people's utter stupidity. Can't go wrong with that. xD You know, what? I might just have to Google the stupid cheap things that people buy online for ridiculous amounts of money and start making some of that shit, sell it on eBay and get rich. It's a sin that people can be so retarded, but hey, as long as I'm the one benefiting from it. Wink

This reminds me of that Flappy Bird game that people were so crazy about when it got taken down from online app stores. I saw one guy on eBay make a really shit art piece (looked like it was drawn by a 4 year old) on a piece of paper and there were over 500 bids and priced at over $100,000. It was the same thing with iPhones that had the game installed on it, again was priced at over $100,000. People would actually bid on this shit. Rolling Eyes lmao2

5Dumbass Xbox Controller N00b Empty Re: Dumbass Xbox Controller N00b 6/29/2016, 11:02 pm



shitnbitch@BWH wrote:This reminds me of that Flappy Bird game that people were so crazy about when it got taken down from online app stores. I saw one guy on eBay make a really shit art piece (looked like it was drawn by a 4 year old) on a piece of paper and there were over 500 bids and priced at over $100,000. It was the same thing with iPhones that had the game installed on it, again was priced at over $100,000. People would actually bid on this shit.  Rolling Eyes  lmao2
Yeah, they do because stupid people never die out. stupid2  

They go with the flow like sheeps and don't realize it's just some shitty petty thing.
Hey guys, I got the awesome rare Flappy Bird game now and spent all my money. I'm so cool and my life is complete stupid2

Other examples for extreme stupidity are buying shitty overpriced Apple products, Call of Duty every year including season pass and supply drops and complaining how shitty the game is, same Nintendo games every generation like Mario Bros. with 99% identical gameplay and lastly the eye cancer known as Minecraft because people's favorite YouTubers play it for money and kids think it's cool and fun to play games meant for 5-year-olds with graphics/physics from 30 years ago Smile

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