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The Biggest Butthurt Crybaby In COD History

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This butthurt idiots name is Call of Shame ugly The idiot thinks hes make a difference by "exposing" cheaters on CoD and when he isn't taken seriously or instantly rectified by Activision he throws tantrums and flips out. This idiot really thinks he's king shit anything from accusing any streamer that is good/makes money while playing CoD a cheater when he has no idea what he's looking for. To interviewing Engineowning one of the biggest cheat providers for CoD and other games getting the inside scoop on stuff AND STILL gets stuff wrong lol!

His most recent freak out has been about how Activision didn't invite him to CoD Next instead opting for others that not only have a following but can hold the attention of said following. His channel has 160K subs yet he only brings in 10K to 47K views. Even with his clickbait titles and thumbnails he has only gone over that a few times EVER and Constantly shits on Activision and there Anti Cheat then turns around crying like a baby when they want nothing to do with him. lmao The idiot opening pounds his chest about how he's gotten all these people banned... When all they gotta do is create a new steam account use a HWID spoofer and hop back on fail Yea your really making a difference my guy lmao

Just had to show you guys this scrub lol I have not seen someone go this hard and eat shit this much all while looking like a huge butthurt crybaby with CoD in YEARS lmao

The Biggest Butthurt Crybaby In COD History BAjMdNS

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