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[SC7E52] Kick And Ban All Players From Lobby

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Code Creator

[SC7E52] Kick And Ban All Players From Lobby [T.B.W]
28200FA0 00008000
057E968C 00000000
057E987C 00000000
057E9A6C 00000000
057E9C5C 00000000
057E9E4C 00000000
057EA22C 00000000
057EA41C 00000000
057EA60C 00000000
057EABDC 00000000
057EA9EC 00000000
057EA60C 00000000
057EA7FC 00000000
E0000000 80008000

I 09 the code originally but it kept giving me problems and only kicking 1 or 2 people so i just kept it 05 so it will kick everyone

original 09
[SC7E52]Kick And Ban All Players From Lobby [T.B.W]
28200FA0 00008000
907E968C 00000000
200111F0 00000000
E0000000 80008000



Fake? It doesn't look promising...

Last edited by Bully@WiiPlaza on 10/13/2014, 12:06 am; edited 1 time in total


Admin & Coder
Admin & Coder

Doesn't look too real



Fake codes are removed, though.

Confirm me someone that it doesn´t work. There´s nothing on 817XXXXX especially not with direct RAM writes.


Code Creator

use the first code all it does it kicks everyone out your party while your host



Moved to testing since it's unclear if it works reasonably well and the 09 code is obviously broken.

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