Hello, im playing Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Transer on Dolphin Emulator for Wii and downloaded the gecko codes created by Bully@WiiPlaza. But, the code called "Allow Inf. Limited/Forbidden Cards In Deck" didn't worked and make the Dolphin emulador to crash. I have tryed to use the past versions of the code by the same creator and some of them don't cause crashes but doesn't worked at all, besides that i have searched the problem even out of codes knowledge and realize that the code called "Button Activator(285944BA EFFF1000)" its the responsable for the crashings, if i remove this line of code the game works, but not the code. Im using the last build of Dolphin Emulator and i do have the correct version of the game. I will post some more details that may be needed to solve the problem:
Entire Limited/Forbidden Code:
285944BA EFFF1000
04594F8C 44000000
CC000000 00000000
04594F8C 40000000
04A1D2EC 60000000
04A16054 48000018
049C59E8 48000018
049C5508 48000018
04A1D3AC 4181FFD8
04A1D3AC 4181FFD8
049C5F08 48000018
049FE334 48000018
04A161D0 4800000C
049FE4B0 4800000C
E0000000 80008000
Entire Limited/Forbidden Code that don't crashes but didn't worked:
225A2A04 00000000
04A1D2EC 60000000
04A1D3AC 4181FFD8
04A16054 48000018
049C59E8 48000018
049C5508 48000018
049C5F08 48000018
049FE334 48000018
04A161D0 4800000C
049FE4B0 4800000C
E2100000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
Button Activator Code:
285944BA YYYYZZZZ (Originally comes that way)
285944BA 00000000 (Becomes that on the game, i don't know what this means)
Dolphin Emulator Version 3.0-867
Codes downloaded from www.geckocodes.org
I will appreciate your help with this code.
Thank You.
PS: Sorry for my bad english i hope you can understand
Entire Limited/Forbidden Code:
285944BA EFFF1000
04594F8C 44000000
CC000000 00000000
04594F8C 40000000
04A1D2EC 60000000
04A16054 48000018
049C59E8 48000018
049C5508 48000018
04A1D3AC 4181FFD8
04A1D3AC 4181FFD8
049C5F08 48000018
049FE334 48000018
04A161D0 4800000C
049FE4B0 4800000C
E0000000 80008000
Entire Limited/Forbidden Code that don't crashes but didn't worked:
225A2A04 00000000
04A1D2EC 60000000
04A1D3AC 4181FFD8
04A16054 48000018
049C59E8 48000018
049C5508 48000018
049C5F08 48000018
049FE334 48000018
04A161D0 4800000C
049FE4B0 4800000C
E2100000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
Button Activator Code:
285944BA YYYYZZZZ (Originally comes that way)
285944BA 00000000 (Becomes that on the game, i don't know what this means)
Dolphin Emulator Version 3.0-867
Codes downloaded from www.geckocodes.org
I will appreciate your help with this code.
Thank You.
PS: Sorry for my bad english i hope you can understand