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Topic Views Cheating

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1Topic Views Cheating Empty Topic Views Cheating 1/22/2013, 10:10 am



Seriously guys, that´s pointless.

This topic:

NEVER has 5.900 legit views or this:

Just compare to the real legit amounts like here (~6.500 views)

Big difference in posts and creation date. Obviously someone must´ve boosted. *cough* shitnbitch *cough*

Last edited by Bully@WiiPlaza on 1/22/2013, 11:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

Topic Views Cheating YBjg74I

2Topic Views Cheating Empty Re: Topic Views Cheating 1/22/2013, 10:16 am


Moderator & Coder
Moderator & Coder

lolololol..... why? 6000 views in 2 days. Yea right, He needs to stop doing that if it is him. He is probably the reason we have so many guests users also. Can you not monitor the traffic of the website? If you can see lots of IP's all looking at the same page at nearly the same time, then you know somethings up. Cheating the traffic like that is cheap though and acheives nothing, this isn't youtube.

Please help me earn some extra Dropbox & MediaFire space. https://db.tt/2H7prurb2d www.mediafire.com/?renl53g

The energy you give, you shall receive.

3Topic Views Cheating Empty Re: Topic Views Cheating 1/22/2013, 10:24 am



There´s no option to monitor these, would be interesting to know though.

Topic Views Cheating YBjg74I

4Topic Views Cheating Empty Re: Topic Views Cheating 1/22/2013, 12:44 pm


Admin & Writer

Holy shit! It has got to be Xylon or someone else because I'm not the one who's doing this. He must've found a way to boost the views of my topics without having to visit this site to do it.

He did say he was going to try to hack this site, but why wouldn't he hack the views of all of the topics and make them like -999,999,999 and why would he want to do it only to my posts and not his?

I swear to god I'm not the one who's doing this.

Topic Views Cheating Simple10

Topic Views Cheating LSTjSyDDiscord: SnB_BWH

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5Topic Views Cheating Empty Re: Topic Views Cheating 1/22/2013, 2:06 pm


Moderator & Coder
Moderator & Coder

I believe you, because it really does not matter either way.

Please help me earn some extra Dropbox & MediaFire space. https://db.tt/2H7prurb2d www.mediafire.com/?renl53g

The energy you give, you shall receive.

6Topic Views Cheating Empty Re: Topic Views Cheating 1/22/2013, 4:23 pm


Admin & Writer

Just delete my posts that have been hacked, BUT PLEASE PUT THEM BACK THE EXACT SAME WAY THEY WERE so the view count will reset (I hope). I'll talk to Xylon and convince him to not do this anymore or to do other future hacking on this site.

Topic Views Cheating Simple10

Topic Views Cheating LSTjSyDDiscord: SnB_BWH

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7Topic Views Cheating Empty Re: Topic Views Cheating 1/22/2013, 10:25 pm



All he can do is keep refreshing topics using some program or whatever to add views, not like negative or something. It´s quite obvious.

Topic Views Cheating YBjg74I

8Topic Views Cheating Empty Re: Topic Views Cheating 1/23/2013, 8:28 am


Admin & Coder
Admin & Coder

C'mon shitnbitch. I had faith in you Sad

Maybe it was fag xylon

Topic Views Cheating Signat10

Topic Views Cheating Rsz_1r10  


9Topic Views Cheating Empty Re: Topic Views Cheating 1/23/2013, 9:07 am



It doesn´t matter anyways. For some reason the cheated views never go higher than like 5000 or 6000. Weird. Most likely the person doesn´t want to get over the most viewed topics on the forum to not get detected, but too late. We´ve got this discussion already.

Topic Views Cheating YBjg74I

10Topic Views Cheating Empty Re: Topic Views Cheating 1/23/2013, 9:51 am


Admin & Writer

I just talked to Xylon on Skype and he said it wasn't him. ? Who the hell in the world could it be? I understand that the Mii Plaza topic might get people who are searching for Wii hacks on Google to that topic, but come on over 5,000 views in under a week!? Why the hell are they only doing this to my posts!?

Here's a picture that I took of the "Who's Online list a few days ago.

Topic Views Cheating Ching_10

I don't know what the hell the Chinese are up to, but this is just strange.

Topic Views Cheating Simple10

Topic Views Cheating LSTjSyDDiscord: SnB_BWH

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11Topic Views Cheating Empty Re: Topic Views Cheating 1/23/2013, 9:52 am


Admin & Coder
Admin & Coder

shitnbitch wrote:I don't know what the hell the Chinese are up to, but this is just strange.


Topic Views Cheating Signat10

Topic Views Cheating Rsz_1r10  


12Topic Views Cheating Empty Re: Topic Views Cheating 1/23/2013, 9:56 am



The topic actually got 5.000 views in 1 day, not 1 week (!).

Topic Views Cheating YBjg74I

13Topic Views Cheating Empty Re: Topic Views Cheating 1/23/2013, 10:01 am


Admin & Writer

I didn't say it got 5,000 views in one week, I said "It got over 5,000 views in UNDER (less than) one week." But you're right about it only taking one day to get that many views.

Topic Views Cheating Simple10

Topic Views Cheating LSTjSyDDiscord: SnB_BWH

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