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YouTube Views Bot

3 posters

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1YouTube Views Bot Empty YouTube Views Bot 10/8/2014, 9:22 pm



If I e.g. click on my videos multiple times it'll always count as a new view even with the same IP and everything. However, if I do that to another person's videos it doesn't seem to work. That's weird. Neutral

People I've seen (n00bs) have coded a bot in 2014 which basically just refreshes the page and call it "YouTube View Bot". Hahaha. As if YouTube is that retarded. Since it obviously doesn't work on other people's videos this is obviously patched.

Now I'm wondering if I could make a real view bot with changing proxies and refreshing the page in the background using browser automation. The waiting time must be randomized so that YouTube doesn't figure out some kind of pattern. But where do I get lots of guaranteed working and free proxies from? I could extract from http://proxylist.hidemyass.com/ and use the proxy testing tool from http://www.checker.freeproxy.ru/checker/ to make sure it works and then use it. Does it sound good?

YouTube Views Bot YBjg74I

2YouTube Views Bot Empty Re: YouTube Views Bot 10/9/2014, 12:59 am


Admin & Writer

That's an excellent idea! I also figured this out a while ago. But guess what else can get many views by reloading the page? The topics on this site.

YouTube Views Bot Simple10

YouTube Views Bot LSTjSyDDiscord: SnB_BWH

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3YouTube Views Bot Empty Re: YouTube Views Bot 10/9/2014, 1:45 am



YouTube is better to mess with since they don't want you to cheat. It messes with their system and ranks you higher then. On a forum it does nothing and nobody cares. xD

YouTube Views Bot YBjg74I

4YouTube Views Bot Empty Re: YouTube Views Bot 10/9/2014, 2:12 am


Admin & Writer

LMFAO! True! xD

YouTube Views Bot Simple10

YouTube Views Bot LSTjSyDDiscord: SnB_BWH

Click HERE to earn free bitcoin, litecoin, dogecoin, and dash!

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5YouTube Views Bot Empty Re: YouTube Views Bot 10/10/2014, 4:35 am



I got the program fully coded but hideMyAss proxies suck. Pages won't even load. I need a bunch of decent proxies for free, damn. Some work though, lol. Neutral

Now I'm view-botting this thread for fun, lmao. Just reloading the page does the job.

I started at 45 views. Wink

Last edited by Bully@WiiPlaza on 10/11/2014, 12:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

YouTube Views Bot YBjg74I

6YouTube Views Bot Empty Re: YouTube Views Bot 10/11/2014, 12:55 pm



I started an experiment of views botting a YouTube video by someone once by just reloading the page and another time by switching proxies. Let's await the results since both videos are now stuck at 301 views. computer

YouTube Views Bot YBjg74I

7YouTube Views Bot Empty Re: YouTube Views Bot 12/15/2014, 12:46 pm


Newb Level Helper

Hey Bully I found a YouTube Bot written in Batch. It runs your cpu out though but it works. I tried it on my channel for the hell of it.

Echo off
color A
echo Please enter a web YouTube Link!
echo -----------------------Warning-----------------------
echo This bot will crash your
echo computer if you leave it
echo on for to long
echo -----------------------Warning-----------------------

set /p s=Enter a Youtube Video URL:


echo. Viewer Bot By: Forgot Password
ping localhost -n 10.0 >nul
goto 1
start %s%
echo.View Added by powned2death Forgot Password!
ping localhost -n 4.0 >nul
goto 1

8YouTube Views Bot Empty Re: YouTube Views Bot 12/15/2014, 1:12 pm



Powned2Death wrote:Hey Bully I found a YouTube Bot written in Batch. It runs your cpu out though but it works. I tried it on my channel for the hell of it.
This is interesting because it's an easy bot but all it does is keep opening the video in new tabs. Now I also know why I could crash the computer xD

In general this is like refreshing the page which is useless since YouTube verifies the views at 301 and when it's suspicious it'll stay at 301 until you got 301 REAL views before it gets any higher. Basically it starts to matter at 301 views and before they don't even care. With the same "identity" like IP, cookies and whatever else they might check all the views are considered invalid. The problem is knowing what they use to identify a user or what they could use. :/

YouTube Views Bot YBjg74I

9YouTube Views Bot Empty I never went that far with it. 12/15/2014, 1:30 pm


Newb Level Helper

Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:
Powned2Death wrote:Hey Bully I found a YouTube Bot written in Batch. It runs your cpu out though but it works. I tried it on my channel for the hell of it.
This is interesting because it's an easy bot but all it does is keep opening the video in new tabs. Now I also know why I could crash the computer xD

In general this is like refreshing the page which is useless since YouTube verifies the views at 301 and when it's suspicious it'll stay at 301 until you got 301 REAL views before it gets any higher. Basically it starts to matter at 301 views and before they don't even care. With the same "identity" like IP, cookies and whatever else they might check all the views are considered invalid. The problem is knowing what they use to identify a user or what they could use. :/

Yeah I only tried it out to make sure it worked and ran. I didnt let it go far enough I guess to run into those problems.

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