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Black Ops 2 Wiimote Tips

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1Black Ops 2 Wiimote Tips Empty Black Ops 2 Wiimote Tips 1/27/2013, 3:07 pm


Admin & Writer

I'm always going to use a Wiimote in multiplayer when I get Black Ops 2 because I always use it in multiplayer on the Wii.

It has more precise and faster aiming than the CCP, but that's just me. I only use the CCP in survival and campaign modes. I get my ass handed to me when I use it in multiplayer.

What controller for Wii/Wii U do you use and why do you use it?

Black Ops 2 Wiimote Tips Simple10

Black Ops 2 Wiimote Tips LSTjSyDDiscord: SnB_BWH

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2Black Ops 2 Wiimote Tips Empty Re: Black Ops 2 Wiimote Tips 1/27/2013, 5:13 pm



Over the weekend I went to about 10 shops looking for an original Wii Zapper, thinking it would be better. Anyway, It appears that no stores stock it in my country.

I ended up buying a generic laser gun (Ignition). I tried it and it sucks. I'll be returning it and'll continue using the mote and nunchuck. Seems the best for me.

3Black Ops 2 Wiimote Tips Empty Re: Black Ops 2 Wiimote Tips 1/27/2013, 6:23 pm


Admin & Writer

You could probably make your own Wii Zapper, you know. Welohabi did that to his mic. He turned a piece of shit into something that looks cool.

I'm actually trying to make cool stuff for my controllers, like a leather-like thing that covers over my Wiimote and CCP to give me extra comfort and some other cool stuff as well.

Just get some stuff around your house and make your own Wii Zapper. By the way... Wii Zappers are a lot more difficult to control and it takes some time to know what buttons do what. They aren't as good as the Wiimote and Nunchuk, in my opinion. You might as well just hold the Wiimote and Nunchuk together like a gun and voila you got yourself a Wii Zapper lol.

Black Ops 2 Wiimote Tips Simple10

Black Ops 2 Wiimote Tips LSTjSyDDiscord: SnB_BWH

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4Black Ops 2 Wiimote Tips Empty Re: Black Ops 2 Wiimote Tips 1/27/2013, 6:32 pm



haha, you're right bro. the zappers control layout is extremely awkward mot and chuck is best.

Actually, yesterday i was thinking the same thing, to try and make my own zapper, perhaps with wire and shit. Wink

5Black Ops 2 Wiimote Tips Empty Re: Black Ops 2 Wiimote Tips 1/28/2013, 7:32 am



I´ve probably played this game long enough to give some tips on wiimote settings. I haven´t found the for me "perfectly" working options quite yet.

Black Ops 2 Wiimote Tips YBjg74I

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