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Infinite Item Hack for p1 and p2 (NTFC)

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I tried to follow Billys infinite item hack but the activation button never works


Mario Kart Wii always either freezes or the item never shows up. Maybe I dont know how to use the activation button... in Gecko it says something about a Master button, but the information between this site and there is confusing.

I'm not sure how to get the activator buttons working:

*YYYY Values*
0000 -> just that button(s) pressed
FFFF - ZZZZ -> at least that button(s) pressed

What does this even mean?

What does this mean too, am I supposed to add a 1 somewhere, or is this a hex 1?

Please help


Admin & Writer

2834XXXX YYYYZZZZ # Button activator for toggle ON/OFF

XXXX = controller address

YYYY = max reverse

ZZZZ = button activator

I think that you've everything right except for the "Master Code" which in Mario Kart Wii it's called the "Write Char Offset". You've to use the Write Char Offset for every item hack in Mario Kart Wii.

All you've to do is get the Write Char Offset code and have it activated with the item hack that you posted and it should work.

Sorry, if it didn't work or if I'm wrong or not helpful. I haven't slept for about 27 hours. lol

Infinite Item Hack for p1 and p2 (NTFC) Simple10

Infinite Item Hack for p1 and p2 (NTFC) LSTjSyDDiscord: SnB_BWH

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Thank you, I will try with the write off-set

At least thats a lead, I was running around in circles =P

why do the instructions say +1 as in


Is this another offset?


So I tried with Write OffSet and still no worky =/



Admin & Writer

28341462 00004000
047E4B88 8004008C
CC000000 00000000
C27E4B88 00000005
3D808000 816C1684
2C0B0000 41820014
A00C1686 90040090
A00C1684 9004008C
60000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
28341462 FEFF0100 <--- You've two button activators here
28341462 FFF70008 <--- And here
04001624 00050003 I think you forgot to add 04001624 between
28341462 FFFB0004 the two button activators
04001624 00090001
28341462 FFFE0001
04001624 00060001
28341462 FFFD0002
04001624 000B0001
28341462 FDFF0200
04001624 00010001
28341462 FEFF0100
04001624 00010003
<--- You forgot to add E0000000 80008000 here as well

Infinite Item Hack for p1 and p2 (NTFC) Simple10

Infinite Item Hack for p1 and p2 (NTFC) LSTjSyDDiscord: SnB_BWH

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You rock man. Maybe Ive been looking at this too long. Always good to have extra eyes. Let me see if I can repair this! bounce



Everything that has been said is complete bullshit.

The + 1 means that you have to add 1 to the controller address.

28341462 + 1 = 28341463

Please go back to 1st class at school if you can´t add 1. If you aren´t even, why are you here and reading this? Shocked
It´s all you need to do for it to work. I know why I´m going to develop an ultimate item code generator. When I say it, I mean it! P1 only, P2 only or both. Toggle ON/OFF. 4 regions supported and maybe more cool stuff, we´ll see. N00bs need easy mode² Wink

Infinite Item Hack for p1 and p2 (NTFC) YBjg74I

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