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[CODING] I am going to start coding

6 posters

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I have been reading some game shark and a bunch of other game forums on how, bits, values, strings, along with some of the cheat engine features and more. I plan on coding games on PC, and Wii. Which COD do I need to be able to make codes for to get coder status? Does it matter because I was thinking of trying Mw3.


Expert 3D Animator
Expert 3D Animator


I hope that you can get to be so good as the coders from this forum! rap

I recommend you to start with Mario Kart and Goldeneye...LOL I'm joking!

Very Happy



No, I recommend you to start with VC games if it´s the Wii. People who start with MW3 right away are the clueless n00bs we all know.


Moderator & Coder
Moderator & Coder

I wouldn't even purchase a USB Gecko until you correctly understand how to edit memory for PC games with cheat engine. Start small learn the basics.



Thank you all for the advice. Very Happy


Trusted Member
Trusted Member

Good luck! [LKWP]FALADOR Wink

avenged sevenfold

avenged sevenfold

I want to start learning java. I saw it is the most basic first step to learn how to hack. Is there a better tutorial than another? I found a couple,but I dont know if there is a best out all of them. If not,I'll just start somewhere.



Any Java tutorial will work I guess.

You'll probably struggle with most of them in the beginning but once you understood most concepts it'll be much easier to follow.

You however don't need any programming knowledge besides decent power pc assembly to make superb Wii codes.

avenged sevenfold

avenged sevenfold

See guys,I am more into the outdoor motor stuff. I really enjoy the fresh air. But I am really good with numbers,which makes me want to learn coding. I don't know what to go to school for,mechanical or computer engineering.Btw,I have googled java stuff and I dont Know which java to download. Should I download java (whatever it is) and do the stuff as I watch the tutorial? Or should I just watch the tutorial and go over it until I understand? I know you said no stupid questions, but I am dumb when I go to organizing my steps. If it is too simple of a question, just don't respond. I apologize if this question is not reasonable. I am watching tutorials right now and you are right Bully, I am very cunfused. I don't know if I should download the java or java script.Evil or Very Mad



If you want to program in Java, you want JDK (developement kit) otherwise to just run them you want JRE (runtime environment).

JDK also includes JRE so that you can run and develope which makes sense. Neutral 

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