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Call of Duty Ghosts

4 posters

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1Call of Duty Ghosts Empty Call of Duty Ghosts 7/26/2013, 6:11 am


Modder & Code Porter

Call of Duty Ghosts is confirmed for Wii-U and will come out November 5!!!!!!

Call of Duty Ghosts Codg11

2Call of Duty Ghosts Empty Re: Call of Duty Ghosts 7/26/2013, 7:03 am



I've given my opinion on their forums already. Troll 

3Call of Duty Ghosts Empty Re: Call of Duty Ghosts 7/26/2013, 11:39 am


Admin & Coder
Admin & Coder

im surprised its on WiiU. they dont even have the DLC's yet for black ops 2 on wiiu from what ive heard

4Call of Duty Ghosts Empty Re: Call of Duty Ghosts 7/26/2013, 12:25 pm



That seems cool.

5Call of Duty Ghosts Empty Re: Call of Duty Ghosts 7/27/2013, 8:40 am



Slapping out a crappy port is always doable.
They could've made this for the Wii also after all just like the other CoDs.
It's only a matter of breaking down graphics and features.

Even the Nintendo DS got a game called MW3. 240p gaming? xD

6Call of Duty Ghosts Empty Re: Call of Duty Ghosts 7/27/2013, 9:26 am



Yea they could of ^^ but there lazy asses wont + not much people play Wii anymore

7Call of Duty Ghosts Empty Re: Call of Duty Ghosts 7/27/2013, 11:28 am


Modder & Code Porter

Will everybody go to Wii-U if Mario Kart 8 is coming in Spring 2014??

Guess the Wii will be gone by 2014 or 2015!?

8Call of Duty Ghosts Empty Re: Call of Duty Ghosts 7/27/2013, 11:31 am



Idk if I'm more looking forward to smash bros or mario kart. Probably getting both. Great games Goo

I'm done with CoD.

9Call of Duty Ghosts Empty Re: Call of Duty Ghosts 7/27/2013, 11:36 am


Modder & Code Porter

Not much games are coming out for Wii.. Except Angry Birds Trilogy. LOL I can see infinite Eagles Goo 

10Call of Duty Ghosts Empty Re: Call of Duty Ghosts 7/27/2013, 11:38 am



You know how ghosts gameplay will look like?
Kinda like this:

Everyone sliding and spraying.
The game will reach a complete new n00b level where all skill is taken away completely. ubergeek 

11Call of Duty Ghosts Empty Re: Call of Duty Ghosts 7/27/2013, 11:43 am


Modder & Code Porter

Lol only if it came out for Wii though.

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