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Command Code Creator

Reclaimer Shawn
16 posters

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1Command Code Creator Empty Command Code Creator 7/31/2013, 12:01 am




All button commands

Enjoy Smile

Last edited by Bully@WiiPlaza on 12/8/2014, 8:59 am; edited 14 times in total

2Command Code Creator Empty Re: Command Code Creator 7/31/2013, 4:31 am


Credit Stealer
Credit Stealer

So is it for multiplayer, campaign, or zombies? Question 

3Command Code Creator Empty Re: Command Code Creator 7/31/2013, 10:44 am



All of them...

4Command Code Creator Empty Re: Command Code Creator 8/24/2013, 4:29 am



Please use and let me know.

5Command Code Creator Empty Re: Command Code Creator 8/26/2013, 5:35 pm


Credit Stealer
Credit Stealer

any time i try these they do NOT work at all.

6Command Code Creator Empty Re: Command Code Creator 8/30/2013, 10:28 am



What are the button scripts for CCP? I know the button scripts to the wii remote but after trial and error I can't get find the CCP

7Command Code Creator Empty Re: Command Code Creator 8/30/2013, 10:43 am



Uhm... I never tried.
I'll just list what I think would work.
Quite likely these are right...

I think "BUTTON_BACK" is Select. APAD Idk. Home doesn't exist or is "WII_HOME".

No, this sounds much better.
Hope it helps, let me know. Twisted Evil

8Command Code Creator Empty Re: Command Code Creator 8/30/2013, 12:38 pm



Will do. Thanks!

Just realized my problem. The CCP configurations aren't in the program Mad 

9Command Code Creator Empty Re: Command Code Creator 8/30/2013, 9:55 pm



Reality wrote:Will do. Thanks!

Just realized my problem. The CCP configurations aren't in the program Mad 
Oops, yeah. It may work in the Wii Remote config still though if you plug the CCP.

10Command Code Creator Empty Re: Command Code Creator 9/2/2013, 3:55 pm



You were right about the configuration. You just need to activate it before you plug in the CCP. The only wrong part is CWII_<Button> . I guess the CCP counts as a Nunchuck. The only one I got to work was WII_HOME.

11Command Code Creator Empty Re: Command Code Creator 9/20/2013, 10:28 pm



Hey bully the link dont work for me. I get past the Addfly thing and then i try to download it and it says invalid file. Please HEEELLLPPPPP ~Thanks:D 

12Command Code Creator Empty Re: Command Code Creator 9/21/2013, 1:05 am



Download fixed.
GarbageShare seem to have a new sharing system but no re-uploads required.
I'm embarrassed for even bothering with such a shitty hoster after all. Rolling Eyes 

13Command Code Creator Empty Re: Command Code Creator 9/21/2013, 5:47 am



Thank you sooo much bully you my favorite coder usa 

14Command Code Creator Empty Re: Command Code Creator 9/21/2013, 11:49 am



another one... can you please fix the Scripting Help link??? Razz 

15Command Code Creator Empty Code Generator 11/23/2013, 2:09 pm

Reclaimer Shawn

Reclaimer Shawn
Code Creator

Bully,this code generator's pretty sweet.Hehehehe,time to go around the map using cluster grenades and the brick breaker!

16Command Code Creator Empty Re: Command Code Creator 11/23/2013, 10:19 pm

Reclaimer Shawn

Reclaimer Shawn
Code Creator

Hey Bully.Can I post my Command Code on the forums,or at least on here?I did make the command code with your generator,and I've found a bunch of amazing binds,and I've made something pretty great! Very Happy This code gives the entire lobby fast speed,laser hack,infinite ammo,rapid fire,and moon jump. However,you keep a couple of mods to yourself. You get an Aimbot(Doesn't track people from around the map,but once its locked on to a person,they can run all they want,but it will still track them.) You also have god mode, the ability to give yourself all weapons, the Infinity Ward Clan tag, and the command code also forces host too! You can also toggle game speed from 10X speed to 1X speed. It also changes your message of the day to this:
Weclome To Reclaimer Shawn's Bind Hack. Enjoy!
It also changes the name of all classes to show that the hack has went through. Here are the changes it makes:
Class 1: Bind Mods Activated
Class 2: Bind Mods Activated
Class 3: Bind Mods Activated
Class 4: Bind Mods Activated
Class 5: Bind Mods Activated
If you twist your Wii Mote and Press A,it shows this message to the lobby:
[Player Name]:Developer Mode Activated For Player
The code is activated by pressing home,and switching to Bravo Controlls. I've had some crazy lobbies with this one code on.

17Command Code Creator Empty Re: Command Code Creator 11/24/2013, 1:10 am



Sounds great, man!
Just post to the code section and explain the controls in detail.
Maybe leave the source coding there too.

Reclaimer Shawn

Reclaimer Shawn
Code Creator

Hey Bully. I'm having problems when trying to make Command Codes for Black Ops.
Alright,so here's my script:
My Script:
Button Layout Set:Bravo
Game:Call Of Duty: Black Ops
After creating the code,here's what I got:
Is there anything I'm doing wrong,because it does absolutely nothing to my selected control set? Every other game works fine,just not Black Ops... Thanks for reading,and sorry to bother you.

19Command Code Creator Empty Re: Command Code Creator 11/27/2013, 8:42 pm



It's basically patched on Black Ops, you can only do short and harmless scripts like the say or map_restart command. On Zombies or campaign you can still do most of the stuff like god or noclip...

On MW3 you can not run anything. This is why it's not included in the program also.

20Command Code Creator Empty Re: Command Code Creator 11/28/2013, 2:11 pm

Reclaimer Shawn

Reclaimer Shawn
Code Creator

Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:It's basically patched on Black Ops, you can only do short and harmless scripts like the say or map_restart command. On Zombies or campaign you can still do most of the stuff like god or noclip...

On MW3 you can not run anything. This is why it's not included in the program also.
That kinda sucks. Oh well,still a great program though,and at least W@W and COD4 work with Script Mods.

21Command Code Creator Empty Re: Command Code Creator 11/28/2013, 5:57 pm



Hey could mini gun work for BO?

22Command Code Creator Empty Re: Command Code Creator 11/28/2013, 6:02 pm

Reclaimer Shawn

Reclaimer Shawn
Code Creator

[LKWP]FALADOR wrote:Hey could mini gun work for BO?
Nope,not at all!No useful command works for online play. Even the DVAR values that set the laser fail too.
Anyways,thanks for uploading those MEM80 and MEM90 RAM Dumps for COD4 Bully! I've found a bunch of values that might work for editing the helicopter. Like for instance,I'm finding things like this in the RAM Dumps:
vehHelicopterMaxSpeed...Maximum horizontal speed of the player helicopter (in MPH)..vehHelicopterMaxSpeedVertical...
I actually found this in the multiplayer MEM80. If I can get this to work,this will be really fun! I could imagine forcing someone's helicopter to break down and crash randomly,and they'd think the game just glitched out.

23Command Code Creator Empty Re: Command Code Creator 11/28/2013, 6:09 pm



Nvm It can for zombies but I think it is called tesla gun and it will boot you out because the weapon cached is not yet finished in the game btw does this look right?
unbind all
twistbind WII_C_DPAD_UP "clientkick1"
twistbind WII_C_DPAD_LEFT "give ray_gun"
twistbind WII_C_DPAD_RIGHT "clientkick3
twistbind WII_C_DPAD_DOWN "clientkick2"
bind WII_C_A "noclip

the clientkicks are to kick the people connected in your lobby individually with client 1 being player 2 in the lobby

Last edited by [LKWP]FALADOR on 11/28/2013, 6:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

24Command Code Creator Empty Re: Command Code Creator 11/28/2013, 6:11 pm

Reclaimer Shawn

Reclaimer Shawn
Code Creator

[LKWP]FALADOR wrote:Nvm It can for zombies but I think it is called tesla gun and it will boot you out because the weapon cached is not yet finished in the game
Oh,I thought you were talking about multiplayer. Still though,I can't even get it to work for Zombies. After you add the activator,and press it,are the commands immediately binded to the set controls,or do you have to take another step?

25Command Code Creator Empty Re: Command Code Creator 11/28/2013, 6:13 pm



I just don't use a button activator and it binds auto as soon as I get on Zombs

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