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Just tried Linux (Ubuntu)

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1Just tried Linux (Ubuntu) Empty Just tried Linux (Ubuntu) 8/1/2013, 1:33 am



It sucks so much ass, incredible. Not even worth messing with another sec. I was actually going to see if USB Gecko etc. will work but nope fuck it. So slow, I'll get Windows 8 for my old machine. Rolling Eyes 

2Just tried Linux (Ubuntu) Empty sorry to here 8/1/2013, 4:24 pm



sorry to here that Smile 

3Just tried Linux (Ubuntu) Empty Re: Just tried Linux (Ubuntu) 11/26/2013, 4:56 pm



What would Ubuntu be good for?

4Just tried Linux (Ubuntu) Empty Re: Just tried Linux (Ubuntu) 11/26/2013, 8:51 pm



Only people fluent in coding and scripting are happy to have linux lol. Ideal computer for hacking. Just give it time and actually learn about some of the stuff on it. It will make it a much better computer experience for you Smile

5Just tried Linux (Ubuntu) Empty Re: Just tried Linux (Ubuntu) 11/27/2013, 12:58 am



Linux is for coding / hacking nerds only. It makes them happy Goo 

6Just tried Linux (Ubuntu) Empty Re: Just tried Linux (Ubuntu) 11/30/2013, 12:57 pm


Trusted Member
Trusted Member

I was thinking about getting a linux but fuck it

7Just tried Linux (Ubuntu) Empty Re: Just tried Linux (Ubuntu) 1/17/2016, 3:54 pm


Admin & Writer

I have Kali Linux dual booted with Win 8.1, thinking I can be some great ass hacker, but yet I only bothered to use it a couple of times and was only taught two or three simple commands. Kali Linux is one of those OS's that you have to master to use. Windows, however, you just click, drag and type, it's as simple as that.

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