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Python Dos Program

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1Python Dos Program Empty Python Dos Program 12/5/2013, 4:22 pm



Heres a little program for preforming dos attacks on computers/servers that I wrote I don't even know if it will actually work well.

1. I am not responsible for if it actually crashes a server or something.

2. Do whatever you want with it you can modify it, distribute it whatever as long as you don't take credit for it (unless if its modified you can take some of the credit not all).

import socket
host = input("Enter host to be dosed:")
port = int(input("Please enter on witch port:"))
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.connect((host, port))
input("Press enter when ready")
while True:
print("Dosing stoped")
Note: I tried attaching a zip file with the program in it but I don't think it worked.


Last edited by deathx on 12/6/2013, 4:02 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Fixed the code and made it better)


2Python Dos Program Empty Re: Python Dos Program 12/5/2013, 5:00 pm



That is not a DDos and that is about as effective as a ping flood. What you are trying to attempt is a DoS (Denial Of Service) attack which involves one attacker taking down a server/host which can not be done normally unless the server is "apache" based. A DDos (Distributed-Denial-Of-Service) attack involves multiple attackers flooding one server which the more there are, the better the results are going to be. Here is a fact, "In multiple countries Denial-of-service or Distributed-Denial-Of-Service is illegal and can result in time in prison. This information is for educational purposes only me, and the other members of this website affiliated with this forum are not responsible for the misuse of this information. I notice yours says DoS* but I just don't want you to get confused Razz
P.S. Don't support Criminal activity
Evil or Very Mad

3Python Dos Program Empty Re: Python Dos Program 12/5/2013, 5:06 pm



[LKWP]FALADOR wrote:That is not a DDos and that is about as effective as a ping flood. What you are trying to attempt is a DoS (Denial Of Service) attack which involves one attacker taking down a server/host which can not be done normally unless the server is "apache" based. A DDos (Distributed-Denial-Of-Service) attack involves multiple attackers flooding one server which the more there are, the better the results are going to be. Here is a fact, "In multiple countries Denial-of-service or Distributed-Denial-Of-Service is illegal and can result in time in prison. This information is for educational purposes only me, and the other members of this website affiliated with this forum are not responsible for the misuse of this information. I notice yours says DoS* but I just don't want you to get confused Razz
P.S. Don't support Criminal activity
Evil or Very Mad
Yeah I know the difference and as I said USE AT YOUR OWN RISK


4Python Dos Program Empty Re: Python Dos Program 12/8/2013, 2:52 pm


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Trusted Member

If this is flooding something with ping requests (im guessing), your internet provider will realize your sending this.

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