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Most Retarded YouTube Channel

5 posters

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1Most Retarded YouTube Channel Empty Most Retarded YouTube Channel 5/10/2014, 6:30 pm


Admin & Writer

It's not what you actually think it is! Watch a few of his videos and you'll see brain-dead retardedness to the max!


This video pissed me off a lot! Who the hell in their right mind would destroy a good computer and make fucked up noises and shit while doing so?! I guess a brain-dead retard would!

2Most Retarded YouTube Channel Empty Re: Most Retarded YouTube Channel 5/10/2014, 10:12 pm



Lmfao, I know him. Very silly videos but hey, it's all about entertainment xD

3Most Retarded YouTube Channel Empty Re: Most Retarded YouTube Channel 5/10/2014, 10:19 pm


Admin & Writer

Some of his videos are pretty funny. But I could never imagine a person that doesn't do this for entertainment actually doing this. If they did, I think they should be put in the nut house. xD


Admin & Writer

I think why he has so many views is because he is doing some kind of "false advertising". Says "Hey, I can teach you how to do this. Come checkout my video!" Then everyone came to check it out, noticed it wasn't what they thought it was, but thought it was funny, so they shared it and the views skyrocketed. I actually don't mind watching his videos now that I know it's just for entertainment and a good laugh.

I'm going to try watching this shit when I'm high. Twisted Evil Just got to be careful I don't smoke too much weed or I might trip. xD lol

5Most Retarded YouTube Channel Empty Re: Most Retarded YouTube Channel 8/20/2016, 11:55 am



True, some people get big by deceiving and I really don't like that because others have to work hard and barely get any recognition


Admin & Writer

Yeah, I know, right. Just imagine all the artists out there who have actual talent, but are in the way of... well, people who are just like HowToBasic. The creations they share get thrown to the bottom of the pile and very rarely ever get looked at.

They should have a thing for any video or publication of any kind, if it gets 1 million views or even as little, but still quite a lot, as 100,000 views, it should be bumped down from the list, so other videos or publications can get noticed. But YouTube and it's partners don't want that happening, because they'll lose all their revenue from the already-popular channels. Rolling Eyes



YouTube generally promotes bigger YouTubers because they definitely make more money that way so smaller people barely have a chance, it's true. No matter where you compete at, there probably are 100+ others doing the same thing all day and probably better than you so nice try Razz


Mod & Writer

this is even funnier xD


Admin & Writer


They were showing them the stupid... stupid shit. They should have showed them this one. xDDDDDD

10Most Retarded YouTube Channel Empty Re: Most Retarded YouTube Channel 8/23/2016, 3:58 am



tbh I saw the thread title and thought it'd be my channel Razz

11Most Retarded YouTube Channel Empty Re: Most Retarded YouTube Channel 4/21/2021, 12:23 pm



not as annoying as nikocado avocado

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