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Hacking on the new servers

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1Hacking on the new servers Empty Hacking on the new servers 5/22/2014, 11:29 am



I need some info on what is needed to load hacks on the new server or an alternative way to connect to the servers without having to go through the homebrew channel, its full of ftw`s

2Hacking on the new servers Empty Re: Hacking on the new servers 5/22/2014, 12:21 pm


Admin & Writer

Well, no shit! xD Only hackers can access the servers now, so what would you expect?! lol

3Hacking on the new servers Empty Re: Hacking on the new servers 5/22/2014, 12:36 pm



shitnbitch wrote:Well, no shit!  xD  Only hackers can access the servers now, so what would you expect?! lol

I know that lol but seeing as you need hb to load the patch and as I use hb and ocarina to load codes ..I cant load codes so I need an alternative way to do it

4Hacking on the new servers Empty Re: Hacking on the new servers 5/22/2014, 12:42 pm


Admin & Writer

That's the way it's been ever since Homebrew on the Wii was developed.

5Hacking on the new servers Empty Re: Hacking on the new servers 5/22/2014, 11:36 pm



this is why I want to find the way to use hacks on the new server, apart from making a mk backup disc and adding the new connection patch ..I haven't worked out how to do it a more simple way yet



6Hacking on the new servers Empty Re: Hacking on the new servers 5/23/2014, 4:14 am



You do the ISO Wimmfi method and run codes from USB since you can't patch the disk AND run codes yet.

7Hacking on the new servers Empty Re: Hacking on the new servers 5/23/2014, 5:17 am



Hacking in new server  (no wiimm server requisited)

8Hacking on the new servers Empty Re: Hacking on the new servers 5/23/2014, 6:06 am



Cool video but it's the same as before^^

9Hacking on the new servers Empty Re: Hacking on the new servers 5/23/2014, 6:24 am



oh yeah, I remember now,my memory is real bad,
this trick is just a combination of the shroom code, stalking and instant respawn but its funny seeing legit players beat an ftw

10Hacking on the new servers Empty Re: Hacking on the new servers 6/1/2014, 9:02 am



Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:You do the ISO Wimmfi method and run codes from USB since you can't patch the disk AND run codes yet.

we use 2 wii`s one runs the patched iso from a usb hard drive with codes through cfg loader
and the other uses neogamma and plays the patched disc with codes, so some versions of the wii can play the patched disc and load codes and others wont

11Hacking on the new servers Empty Re: Hacking on the new servers 6/1/2014, 11:08 am



The disk has to be patched by the loader, the Wii can not write to disks. How does it work in Neogamma then? Has it been modified / updated? There's no Wiimmfi code made.

12Hacking on the new servers Empty Re: Hacking on the new servers 6/1/2014, 12:27 pm



Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:The disk has to be patched by the loader, the Wii can not write to disks. How does it work in Neogamma then? Has it been modified / updated? There's no Wiimmfi code made.

I checked to see if its been opened to take a mod chip but its all original, its only one of the 2 wii`s which will load hacks off the disc and only using neogamma, its only neogamma which works with this way but I did set pimpmywii to load to play patched discs as if it had a mod chip even though it doesnt, and I did read a page that said only some versions of the wii can read a patched disc. but it does have some lag and loads way slower about 3 seconds behind the other wii that loads from the usb

13Hacking on the new servers Empty Re: Hacking on the new servers 6/1/2014, 4:38 pm


Admin & Writer

"I did read a page that said only some versions of the wii can read a patched disc."

Not a patched disc, a burnt disc. Yes, some Wiis (specifically the White ones) can read discs as well as patched ones, but to be more accurate in what you're saying; it reads burnt discs. When it comes to technical stuff, you have to be accurate otherwise no one can fully understand you. If you read it from somewhere, then correct them if they made a mistake. Wink

14Hacking on the new servers Empty Re: Hacking on the new servers 6/1/2014, 7:31 pm



Burning disks is a shitty alternative. It costs extra money / time and the loading times are much slower (like you said). USB loader is faster and basically free after you bought one harddrive.

15Hacking on the new servers Empty Re: Hacking on the new servers 6/1/2014, 11:46 pm



Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:Burning disks is a shitty alternative. It costs extra money / time and the loading times are much slower (like you said). USB loader is faster and basically free after you bought one harddrive.

yep the usb loader is way faster but I have 2 wii`s and only 1 usb hard drive at the moment so until I get another, I have to make do with loading from the disc on one of the wii`s

16Hacking on the new servers Empty Re: Hacking on the new servers 6/1/2014, 11:49 pm



shitnbitch wrote:"I did read a page that said only some versions of the wii can read a patched disc."

Not a patched disc, a burnt disc. Yes, some Wiis (specifically the White ones) can read discs as well as patched ones, but to be more accurate in what you're saying; it reads burnt discs. When it comes to technical stuff, you have to be accurate otherwise no one can fully understand you. If you read it from somewhere, then correct them if they made a mistake.  Wink

backup discs and patched discs , a patched disc has to be burnt anyway so all the same

17Hacking on the new servers Empty Re: Hacking on the new servers 6/2/2014, 12:53 am



Solutions with the retail disk are still better because everyone should have one and not all Wiis can read burnt disks (like shitnbitch said). Some programs only accept the retail disk, such as Riivolution. I recently asked Wiimm1 on YouTube for help on a gecko code version but no answer yet. Neutral

18Hacking on the new servers Empty Re: Hacking on the new servers 6/2/2014, 11:09 am



Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:Solutions with the retail disk are still better because everyone should have one and not all Wiis can read burnt disks (like shitnbitch said). Some programs only accept the retail disk, such as Riivolution. I recently asked Wiimm1 on YouTube for help on a gecko code version but no answer yet. Neutral

not sure he'll do it because they want it totally hack free for some reason, I heard they even have spotters to find hackers

19Hacking on the new servers Empty Re: Hacking on the new servers 6/2/2014, 11:41 am


Admin & Writer

You could easily reverse engineer the application. That's what this one guy did for the IOS 236 Patcher application made by Dr. Clipper. He didn't support pirates, so some guy reverse engineered it, made it do what the title says and told Dr. Clipper to go f*ck himself. xD

20Hacking on the new servers Empty Re: Hacking on the new servers 6/2/2014, 10:20 pm



Well, let's do it then or you shitnbitch. xD

21Hacking on the new servers Empty Re: Hacking on the new servers 6/3/2014, 7:52 am



Bully@WiiPlaza wrote:Well, let's do it then or you shitnbitch. xD
who made that code which bypasses the time restrict so they can apply lightning non stop? its got to be the most annoying hack out there, there`s some idiot using it in vr but he uses it so much everyone loses connection in every race, thought I`d play legit for a change and this happens

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